Valhalla Can Wait

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You had a very long talk with Bjorn and Ubbe after Lagertha's funeral. You had explained everything. The attacks on the village, Hali's death, why you and Lagertha had returned. Then you had exposed the identity of Lagertha's killer.

Now, you sat in the throne while Bjorn paced back and forth in front of you while the crowd shouted and booed. Hvitserk was brought in, hands chained together.

"QUIET!" You roared

The crowd instantly went silent as they revealed the man.

Hvitserk stood up straight, surprisingly able to put on a brave face.

"I wonder if you even know, Hvitserk, why you have been brought here?" You ask, glaring at the man

"Yes." Hvitserk said

"Louder. I can't hear you." Bjorn demanded

"I know why." Hvitserk answered. "I killed Lagertha."

Even as he spoke, his voice was soft and quiet like the one of a child.

"What?" Bjorn asks, placing his cupped hand to his ear, daring his brother to tell everyone what he did.

"I killed your mother, Bjorn." Hvitserk spoke, loud enough for everyone to hear

"Ah!" Bjorn sharply sighed as he slowly walked toward Hvitserk, grabbing his brother by the neck. "Why?" The man quietly asked

"I thought she was Ivar. I thought that she-" Hvitserk tried to explain only to get smacked by Bjorn. "I thought that Ivar was coming to kill me."

This time, Bjorn smacked Hvitserk harder.

"Bjorn..." you growled. "You said you would handle this peacefully."

"I don't care what you thought!" Bjorn roared as he ignored your words. "Being drunk is no excuse for anything! You murdered my mother! You murdered one of the most famous shield maidens in the world! You! You sad, pathetic, raddled little man! You were not fit to kiss her feet! And you aren't fit to be called a son of Ragnar!" Bjorn exclaimed.

The angry and broken hearted man stepped toward, grabbing Hvitserk. "And when you killed my mother, you killed a part of me to. and you have to understand... I can never forgive you."

With that, Bjorn pushed Hvitserk away as he slowly walked back to stand beside you and Ubbe.

"I know that. And you're right, Bjorn. I am a sad wreck of a man. I've made a bad job of my life. And whatever Astrid chooses to do with me, even if I am burned alive, I'll accept it. For I've deserved it. Unlike you and Ubbe, I've never done anything to make our father proud of me."

"Hvitserk Lothbrok is guilty." You frowned as you stood, leaning your wait of your staff. "Everyone here heard him confess. Tomorrow, I shall decide his punishment. For now, take him away." You ordered your guards. They nodded and escorted Hvitserk out of the building with the crowd shouting at him.


"I want him dead." Bjorn hissed as you all sat at the dinner table.

"Bjorn, not in front of Yrsa. Please." You sighed as you looked to your brother in law and away from your daughter.

"Yrsa, darling, would you like to go play with Asa?" Torvi asks with a warm smile watching as the sad girl nods and walks off to find the younger girl

She had been sad ever since Lagertha's death and since she found out about Hali. You could understand why, of course.

"You have every right, Bjorn. I can't deny it. But neither does he." You sigh.

"He was not in his right mind when he killed your mother." Amma said. "It was not really Hvitserk who killed her."

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