Full Moon

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"When the moon waxes full again, we shall seize our fame and fortune and fight such a battle that the world will tremble and the winners shall inherit the Earth." Ivar said in English.

You lay in bed but Bishop Heahmend sat across the room as Ivar stared out the window.

"My love." You spoke in Norse. "Come to bed. Get Heahmend to leave."

Ivar didn't hesitate to do as you asked, bidding Heahmend goodnight before he crawled over you and lay down, hearing the door shut as the Bishop left.

You sighed in comfort at the familiar and warm feeling of Ivar laying on top of you causing you to smile as he nuzzled into your neck.


You sat at the table, playing a game called chess with Bishop Heahmend while Ivar observed, standing over you.

Heahmend sighed as he watched Ivar whisper something to you before you made a move, taking another piece of his.

Ivar, seeing and hearing him sigh, chuckled. "She is still learning."

"We will be fighting your brothers, yes?" Heahmend asks

"Yes." Ivar answered as he sat down beside you. "Perhaps even my brother Bjorn, if he returns from his travels."

"Do they frighten you? Your brothers?"

"No." Ivar laughed. "Maybe Bjorn. Just a little. I don't find him very smart but he is a great warrior. They call him Bjorn Ironside."

You frowned as Bishop Heahmend took a piece of yours. How could not have not seen that?!

"And the woman? The one who killed your mother?"

At the mention of Aslaug, both you and Ivar tensed up.

"Lagertha." You frowned, looking to Ivar. "You said we would not kill her, my love."

"And we won't, darling, but she must be handled." Ivar lied. He hated lying to you but he had to kill Lagertha. She may be like family to you but she killed his mother and for that, she would pay.

"She won't be getting killed." Ivar explained. "We are still thinking of a suitable punishment for her."

Ivar whispered to you again before he watched you make the move he told you to and smiled as he rubbed your back.

"Where will you fight?" Heahmend asked

"We do not know. Perhaps they'll blockade themselves in Kattegat. The main town." You said

"That would be as foolish as the move you made, Lady Astrid." Heahmend smirked, moving and now being able to take your king and win.

"Maybe you can help us think of a strategy." Ivar said

The words caused Heahmend to laugh while Hvitserk listened closely.

"You would trust me to do that? Even though I have no care for who wins?"

"Oh, but you want to win. We can see that. And we want to be around people who want to win. What they do afterwards, who cares?" You asked, leaning against Ivar.

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