The Vision

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Ivar had explained to you that he had to keep Margrethe around and that the risk of her telling his brothers was a great one.

You were angered by this but remained silent as you played with your food, watching Margrethe like a hawk as she sat beside Ivar.

The brothers were equally jealous that Ivar gets Margrethe. "She's my special servant now." Ivar bragged.

You reached under the table, smacking his gut where nobody could see. But Ivar let out a sharp sigh as he reached under the table, grabbing your wrist.

"I'm not sure I believe you, brother." Ubbe said

"And I'm sure you're jealous." Ivar chuckled

"You cannot keep a slave to yourself. No, not like that." Hvitserk said

"Mother, tell them to stop tormenting me." Ivar whined

"It makes me so happy you're with a woman." Aslaug bitterly said

You glared at your plate, gripping the edge of the table so hard, your hand was turning white.

"The rest of you should be married by now. Ubbe, Astrid, you two should have children by now."

"I probably already have." Ubbe laughed

"Astrid, what's your excuse?" Aslaug asked with a chuckle

"The man I want is to busy obsessing over other women, even though he says he loves me." You sighed causing Ivar to freeze as he looks to you. "I mean, I've loved him for years but he prefers a slave girl over me. Maybe I should stop waiting and find a new man."

Ubbe, Sigurd and Hvitserk glanced at each other and snickered, knowing that you were talking about Ivar.

"You and Ubbe would be great together." Aslaug smirked

Ivar was getting angry. You think he does not love you? You want to find another man? Marrying Ubbe?!

You and Ubbe shared a glance before you both shuddered in disgust.

"Not with her. She's to crazy." Ubbe said

"He's a pig." You said

"Well, it's important to find a man or woman and settle down." Aslaug said

"I thought I had found a woman. But now, Ivar has taken her from me." Sigurd said

"Skol." Ivar smirked, raising his glass to his brother

"I don't mean love." Aslaug said. "You don't have to love whoever you marry. As the son of a king, you can have as many women as you want."

Ubbe and Hvitserk cheered, smacking their cups together with a chuckle.

"But you need one to breed with. For Astrid, it is different. You must love the man you marry for you can not have multiple men. You need to be a loyal wife. A wife that a man will be able to breed." Aslaug said

You rolled your eyes and leaned back in your seat, ignoring Ivar's burning gaze.

'Loyal wife to me' Ivar thought

"Don't give me that look, Astrid. You know it's true." Aslaug chuckled.

"So you don't believe in love?" Sigurd asked

"I didn't say that." Aslaug answered

"So you loved Ragnar when you married him?" Sigurd pressed on. "And he loved you?"

"Of course I loved him!" Aslaug snapped

"Some say that you bewitched him." Sigurd sighed causing everyone to freeze. How dare he speak to her like that?

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