The Most Terrible Thing

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You and Ivar sat hidden on your thrones, a curtain surrounding you both as the hall filled with the people of Kattegat. The fires were dimmed and the curtains pulled open and two men put torches beside you and Ivar, illuminating your faces.

"My people, you are all welcome to the table." Ivar announced loudly so everyone could hear. "It is important to me and Queen Astrid that everyone here feels involved in the life of our great town. Kattegat has grown. It is now a huge trading station, the greatest trading station in Scandinavia. Kattegat has changed since my father's time. In those days, he knew everyone and he was happy to share his power with those he knew and trusted, of course."

"My father gave me this responsibility. And our father, Odin gave me this responsibility. I've accepted it, and I ask you to trust me. We cannot allow everyone to vote on everything which affects our kingdom. We have a duty to protect it. I have a duty to protect it!"

Upon your signal, the guards put out every light but the torches near you and your husband.

"So, we have to change the rules."


People I trust will vote on land matters, matrimonial matters, murder inquiries, things that you do not need to worry about. Because my wife and I will take care of you. We will lead you! No, what is truly important is to know who we are! And who is with us, and who is against us. And we know who we are, don't we?!"

The crowd cheered at Ivar's words, raising their cups.

"Yes, we do! So now it is time to find out those who threaten us, who is against us! Maybe it is your neighbour. Perhaps it is someone you know. A family member. A brother. A son. They talk about us. They whisper that your King and your Queen are the enemy. But, of course, they are the enemy. They want to destroy our kingdom. They want to encourage our enemies to attack us and invade us! Is that what you want?!" You ask the crowd, your voice getting louder the more you speak

"NO!!" The crowd shouted as they expressed their hate for the enemies.

"Do you want us to protect you?! Do you want me to destroy them?!" Ivar asks, the crowd cheering at both questions

Your husband stood, holding his torch up as the crowd chanted for you, Ivar and Odin.



"You saw them." Ivar said as he laid in bed while you weaved a blanket by the window, living out to look at the town every now and then.

"Saw who, my love?" You ask

"Hvitserk. And that girl." Ivar replied

It was true. You saw Hvitserk and a woman walk in the hall together last night. You saw them standing side by side the entire feast.

"He hates me." Ivar said

"Ivar, that is not true." You said but Ivar didn't listen.

"I ought to have him killed. If I can order the death of my own brother, then who else would dare stand against me?"

"Ivar..." you sighed. "I think that would be a mistake."

"Why?" Ivar asked as you sat in front of him

"Ivar, you are a god. And a merciful god will always be more popular among the common people then a vengeful for, like Odin. Wouldn't you rather be loved then feared?" You ask as Ivar sits up

"I don't know." Your husband groans as he lays back down. "I'm not sure."


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