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You walked through the halls, hand in hand with Ivar. As you walked, he took your hand and brought it to his lips, placing a kiss on your knuckles. You smile at this and rubbed your thumb along his hand.

He smiles before you arrived at your destination. But you were confused when the guards didn't open the door.

Instead, one guard knocked on the door and out came one of Oleg's ambassadors.

"King Ivar. Queen Astrid. What is it you want?" He asks

"We request an audience with Prince Oleg." Ivar stated

"Unfortunately, the Prince is otherwise engaged. He is having a meeting with Prince Igor and your brother, Hvitserk." The ambassador said

"May we not join them?" You ask, annoyance coursing through you

"I have no orders to permit that."

Confused, you watched the ambassador go back into the room.

"Husband, I must go check on Yrsa. I will be back in an hour." You smile, watching a thinking Ivar nod as you place a kiss on his cheek

You knew Yrsa was fine with Revna. Your smile instantly dropped as you walked off, moving to find Hvitserk.


Waiting in the cold air that spring morning, you watched Hvitserk come out of a building and sighed sharply.

"Hvitserk." You said in annoyance, stopping the man in his tracks

"Astrid." He said in confusion. "What do you want?" He curiously asks

"How strange." You start. "Everyone has been asking me today what I want."

"Hm." Hvitserk hummed, going to walk around you only to be blocked when you stood in his way again

"But I'll tell you what I want, Hvitserk. I want access for Ivar and I to see Prince Igor and Prince Oleg. But it seems, my friend, as if you are suddenly standing in the way." You hiss

"What do you want to talk to Igor about?" Hvitserk asks

"There are things Ivar wants him to know. Important things." You snarl

"Tell me then. I'll make sure he knows." Hvitserk replied

You scoffed as he continues.

"See? You don't trust me, Astrid and neither does your husband. Neither of you have ever trusted me. You think I'm a fool."

"It's Oleg who thinks you're a fool. What does he give you? Huh? He must give you something." You hiss.

"Oleg treats me well. He values me. Not like you, Astrid. You've always treated me like shit. Ignoring my feelings for you, ignoring the fact that Ivar is an evil bastard."

"You are my friend, Hvitty. One of my greatest friends." You sigh, ignoring his words about Ivar. "What in Odin's name does Oleg mean to you? Hm?"

"I'll tell you what he means to me. He is the future ruler of Constantinople." Hvitserk snarls. "The future ruler of the world."

"WHAT ARE YOU? HUH?" Hvitserk asks, pushing you back, causing you to hit the wall behind you as your anger grew. "Sad, poor Astrid!"

You didn't hesitate to swing at him but he managed to dodge your punch and throw you down to the stone floor

"You're nothing but a cripple's whore."

You grabbed his legs, pulling him down to the ground and began to punch him repeatedly. Hvitserk managed to throw his own punch, powerful enough to knock you off.

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