The Prophet

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"I need your advice, Ubbe. You know what has happened to King Harald. Should I rescue him or not?" You ask, looking to your friend who sat across the table from you.

"It's your decision, my friend. But you spoke about making Kattegat great through trade, not conquest. Why would your first decision be to go on a foreign adventure?" Ubbe asks

"Yes... but King Harald has always been an ally. First, an ally with Ragnar and then in the Great Army. Then in the Civil War we fought." You sigh. "What kind of leader would turn a blind eye to such an obligation?" You ask

"This makes me glad I'm not King." Ubbe said, chuckling as you threw a piece of food at him. "What do you say, Hvitserk?" Ubbe asks, looking to the hidden man

"I don't say anything." Hvitserk replied

"You have to have an opinion." You say

"Why?" Hvitserk asks

"Because it would help me." You scoff

"It would help all of us if we knew where Ivar was. Who cares about Harald or Olaf, or any of them? Only Ivar matters. You let Ivar flee. So, where did he go?" Hvitserk hissed

"Even if I knew where my husband was, I would not tell you. We are not hunting him down and we will never kill him because he is a god. He cannot die.l you hiss

"He is not a god!" Hvitserk snarls

"You're just jealous of him." You hiss

Hvitserk, knowing you were right, threw his cup of ale and stumbled out of the room. Ivar had gotten everything Hvitserk ever wanted. You, the throne, your hand in marriage, a child. His wife was burned alive, he had no children.

"I don't know, Astrid. I don't know." Ubbe said before he stood and joined the feast in the hall.


"Should I rescued King Harald or not, Ancient One?" You ask, sitting on a mountain that overlooked the town, covered in furs.

You looked up to the spirit of the Seer in curiosity as he sighed. "That is your affair, Queen Astrid. Don't you know your own mind?"

"I want to know the consequences. You can see! You know the future!" You exclaimed

"I know what I know. And what you cannot bear to know."

"This is a big decision. I've only been Queen 6 years. I can still easily be overthrown. One wrong choice..." you trail off, sighing

"You think of yourself only." The Seer said. "The living are all the same! From either your shadow at morning sliding behind you, or your shadow at evening rising to meet you, I will show you fear in a handful of dust!"

"I'm sorry. I should not have asked such a question." You say

"I will say this. That whatever else you do, whatever you decide, do not betray your own gods in the process." The Seer hissed

"I don't understand!" You say. "Why would I betray my own gods?"


"If you won't answer that question, answer this one! Ivar... I heard him the other day. Is he coming home as he promised?" You ask

"He plans to return to you and the daughter that shares the blood of you and your husband. That is all I can say."


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