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Hidden in the woods, you smirked upon seeing the large Saxon army marching into battle. When they stopped, you knew they realized you were there and you all came out of your hiding spots with an equally large force.

The Saxons took out their swords whereas you already had your swords out and shields up.

"I don't understand. What do you mean you want to cripple them?" Harald asks Ivar

A line of men advanced upon King Alfred's orders

"If we kill 500 Saxons, then we just kill 500 Saxons. If we manage to cripple and injure 500 Saxons, but not to kill them, then it will take a thousand more Saxons to come and rescue them. That is three times the amount of warriors, and all at our mercy." Ivar explains

"Line 2, advance!" Alfred ordered, the second line advancing. "Third Line, advance!" The King ordered, the men doing as told

"But how can you be sure that King Alfred will try to rescue them?" Hvitserk asks

"Because he's a Christian. He cares about them."

You laughed when the men got caught in bear traps that had been hidden under piles of leaves.

"3 blasts, Astrid." Harald said

You chuckled as you raised the horn and blew three loud blasts as Harald himself laughed.

With that, your army backed away.

As you walked off, you heard people rushing to help the screaming men upon Alfred's orders.

Hvitserk's time to shine as he and many other men jumped out from the hidden sand covered holes dog into the ground and began to kill the Saxons.

With Ivar's signal, you and the army turned and ran back to the scene, shouting your war cries.

The Saxon army advanced with war cries of their own.

It was time for the fight that would change your life forever.


Shields clashed together as swords swung through the air to kill the enemy. Within the first few minutes, you were already covered in blood, as was Hvitserk.

Looking above you, you could see the bridge where Ivar stood and watched the scene.

Though, while you were distracted, you were tackled to the ground by a man, quickly gaining Ivar's attention and worry.

You growled like a feral animal as you and the soldier riled around in the mud, careful to not set off any traps while also trying to remain alive.

You weren't surprised when an arrow suddenly shot through his eyes. Pushing the dead man's body off you, your eyes landed on Ivar who held a bow in his hands with a scared look on his face.

You struggled to stand, supporting your leg before you dove back into battle.


It felt like hours had passed as men run around, lit on fire while the battle raged on.

You roared in anger in frustration as you killed another Saxon man.

"And then, when Alfred believes it cannot get any worse... I shall make it worse. I shall get my Queen to take his Queen." Ivar smirked, looking to you and placing a small kiss on your lips. "Would you like that, Darling?"

"You know me to well, my love." You smirk

"Impossible. She will be heavily protected." Harald says

"How do we get Astrid past the Queen's guard?" Hvitserk asks

"That's simple. We just walk right up to them and take her."

You chuckled when you heard the signal from your men. It seems as if the Queen's Guard isn't as good as they claim. You knew that Ivar would leave you with the best warriors, not weak little men like them.

You came out from behind the tree, limping toward the carriage where Queen Elsewith sat, screaming in panic as your men dragged her out of the small wooden shelter.

"Hold her! Keep her still!" You order, grabbing a rope

"Ha!" Harald laughs. "You two are crazy. Truly crazy."

You dragged the choking woman with the rope around her neck through the battlefield, your guards fighting the men that tried saving her.

"Oh, Alfred! Little Alfred! Look who we caught!" You laugh, pulling the rope as you looked to the wide eyed king

You were surprised when she managed to knock you down and actually began fighting for her life. With a bit more training, she could be a decent shield maiden.

But you laughed as you kneed her in the ribs and stood up to look down as the crying woman, beginning to drag her again while your men dealt with a desperate King Alfred.

"Wait!" The woman coughed. "My baby! He's hidden in the carriage! I don't want him to die!" She coughed as you continue to drag her but you slow at her words. "He'll be safe. I will get him after battle and return him home, if he has a home to go to." You promise


After getting the signal from Ivar, your people stopped fighting. By now, you had killed Elsewith and collected her young son. He couldn't be any older then 1 year old.

Carrying the baby boy in one hand, you held Elsewith's head with the other.

"And who might this young man be?" Ivar asks as you approach him, reaching out and grabbing the baby's hand

"I do not know his name but he is Alfred's son. I promised Elsewith that I would care for him, and return him home if Wessex will still be there by the end of this war." You sigh, adjusting him on your hip as Hvitserk takes the head of the Queen with a laugh

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