The Departed Pt1

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You along with the rest of the army had gathered around the boat that Sigurd lay in, the offerings lay around his dead body.

Ivar was numb and filled with both pain and regret. You could see that as you placed an axe next the Sigurd's head, stroking his hair as you frowned. With a sigh, you stood and moved back to standing beside Ivar, placing a hand on his shoulder.

You could tell that the brothers were angry with Ivar. Very angry. It worried you to no end and you wanted to protect him at all times.

Many people feared Ivar now. For what was to stop him killing them if he killed his own brother?

The 3 remaining older brothers, along with many other people glared at your lover. You glared right back at them all.


After leaving Wessex, you had all moved camp, hiding in a clearing deep in the woods. Ivar sat in a tent, you at his side with Ubbe, Hvitserk, Harald, Bjorn and Halfdan standing around the table, all of you in silence until Ivar could no longer take it.

"I know what you're all thinking." He said. "But it is not true. I didn't mean to kill him. He made me kill him."

At this, Bjorn scoffed. Ivar was a grown man and needed to take responsibility for his actions.

"He taunted and made fun of me. What was I supposed to do?" Ivar asked. "What kind of a man taunts and tells lies about his own brother?"

"And what lies did he tell?" Hvitserk asked

"Well, you know that as well as I do, Hvitserk." Ivar replied

"He said you weren't a real man." Ubbe spoke.

Ivar let out a sharp sigh as you glared at the surrounding warriors.

"Ivar is as much of a man as you all are." You snarled

"Shh." Ivar said, grabbing your hand. "And what would you have done if he said that to you, Ubbe? What would you have done if you were a real man'?" Ivar asked

Ubbe was silent as he drank some ale while Ivar continued

"I swear to the gods and everything that is sacred that I never meant to kill him." Ivar said. "Anger overcame me. And I wasn't thinking. I am truly sorry."

Nobody said anything as they watched Ivar sigh and frown. You sighed as well, rubbing his arm and whispering to him.

"Come, my love. Let's go."

Ivar nodded and grabbed his helmet, crawling out of the tent with you following, like always.


Bjorn and his men were preparing to leave for the Mediterranean Sea You watched with a heavy heart after saying your goodbyes to Bjorn, seeing them sail away once more.

It had been a few months with no trouble from the Christians, thankfully. Nothing had changed. You and Ivar were still as in love as ever. Ubbe and Hvitserk were still slightly cold and distant with Ivar but thing were slowly fixing themselves.

Now sitting with Ivar in his carriage, the horse trotted through the woods. You were going to visit Floki and you couldn't be more excited to see the creation your father was building. A new boat. He didn't say why though.

"Walk on." Ivar said, clicking his tongue.

After arriving, you jumped out and waited for Ivar to get out as well before you ran to where Floki was set up.

"Father!" You said

Floki smiled after greeting you, watching as you inspected the boat.

"Floki, why are you building a toy boat, huh?" Ivar asked, dragging himself closer

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