Ghosts, Gods, and Running Dogs

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You sigh as you walk into the hall, seeing Hvitserk sitting by the fire and drinking more mead then he needed. "Hvitserk." You say, standing behind him


"Hvitserk. It hurts me. It hurts all of us to see you so." You say

"I walk between the places. I see the place where my mother was struck down. And I see the place where Thora was burned alive." A horrified Hvitserk said as you sat beside him. "And everywhere else, I see Ivar."

You froze at the mention of his name. You were able to speak it but hearing that Hvitserk saw Ivar? That hit harder then you expected.

"He's always with me. Right now, he's over there, looking at us." Hvitserk said, pointing behind you. Turning, you frowned when you weren't able to see your husband.

"Looking at us, waiting. Waiting for us." Hvitserk snarls, still pointing at him

"He's not there, my friend." You say, grabbing his arm and slowly lowering it. "He's not there."

"Of course he is, Astrid. You just can't see him. Hm? I can see him. It's the ghosts."

"Ghosts." You whisper

"Do you see him to?" Hvitserk asks

"Sometimes. In my dreams or I think that sometimes he has come back to haunt me." You whisper

"Then you and I are alike." Hvitserk said, trying to hide his tears. Frowning, you pulled him into a hug, letting him lay his head on your lap as he weeped.


"Going to King Harald's aid. Are you sure?" Bjorn asks.

"Why? Do you think I'm crazy to? That I shouldn't do it?" You ask

"No. If you trust yourself c then it is the right thing to do. Whatever anyone else says." Bjorn says with a chuckle

During the 5 years that you had been the only ruler of the kingdom, the friendships you had with the people around you were strong. Especially with Ubbe and Bjorn.

"Hvitserk is in a bad place." You sigh

"I know." Bjorn frowned.

"I persuaded Ubbe and Torvi to delay their voyage so they can look after him but I wonder if that was the right choice."

"What do you mean?" Bjorn asks

"I want you to sail to help King Harald. I will stay behind, and help Ubbe and Torvi watch over Kattegat, the children, and Hvitserk." You say.

Bjorn nodded at this, happy to help Harald. You smiled as you hugged him before walking off with a sigh.


With Bjorn and the rest of the ships and men sailing to King Harald's aid, you stood at the docks, watching them sail away with Yrsa beside you.

"When will they be back?" Yrsa asks

"Whenever they can be, darling." You reply


Ubbe and Torvi had come back from Lagertha's farm and were happy to hear that you would be staying with them to watch over Kattegat. They knew that their children, Hali and Asa were safe with Lagertha and they were relieved to see that you and Yrsa were safe as well

Ubbe had organized trade missions. Hvitserk was going to lead one along the Silk Road, trading along it's long route. Perhaps, he would even get to China.

But you didn't know that sending Bjorn to save Harald would get many of your men killed. You didn't know that the men you banished would kill and rape and burn your loved ones. You didn't know that soon, Hvitserk and Ivar would reunite on the Silk Road.

You didn't know that this was the start of the Wreck of Humanity.

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