All the Prisoners

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You walked into a tent filled with sick people, poor people and thralls. Sighing, you frowned when Amma rushed to Hvitserk. "Hvitserk. Hvitserk, get up! Get up, please." She said

"Out! GO! NOW!" Ubbe roared, the people scattering

"Hello, Hvitserk." You said after the tent was empty. "I wanted to see you. I have some news for you."

"News? What news?" The confused drunk man asks

"Good news. I want to give you some responsibility. I don't think people have ever truly recognized your talents." You smile, crouching beside your brother-in-law.

"Really?" He asks, seeming happy for once.

"Yes. You know very well. So... I want you to lead a trade delegation to the East. You will travel along the ancient Silk Road, making trade deals and contacts all the way. I do hope that you agree, Hvitty. I'm trying to help you." You sigh

"I know. I know. I'll get better. I'll get better." He promised as Amma helped him stand. "I won't disappoint you, Astrid. Please believe me." He weeped, praying that you would finally began to accept him.

He regretted everything bad he had said about you. He only wanted for your friendship back.

"I believe you-"

You were cut off as Hvitserk threw his arms around you, holding you close in happiness. "Thank you." Your friend sobbed

"Shh. You're alright."


You were surprised when Hvitserk was dragged in by Ubbe and sighed when you saw his red eyes.

Standing, you handing Yrsa to a pregnant Torvi before walking to your brother-in-law and making him look at you. His eyes were red again. He was drunk.

"Why, Hvitserk? Why?" You ask


"I tried to give you a chance." You sighed, turning and going to walk away.

"I don't think he meant to disappoint you." Torvi quickly said, stopping you from walking further. "He can't help it."

You said nothing, facing the crew that Hvitserk would've been leading. "You will have to leave without him. Appoint a leader among yourselves. Remember that your mission is vital to us. May the gods speed you along the Silk Road."

"No. No." Hvitserk said, grabbing the men and trying to stop them only to be pushed to the ground.

"Astrid. Don't be to hard on him." Amma said

You sighed and crouched in front of Hvitserk. "I tried. I tried, but I can't. I can't." He said. "Can't you see that? I tried, and I can't."

"I love you, Hvitty. I always have and I always will. You are one of my greatest friends. But you have just betrayed me for the second time in your life. The first was joining Bjorn and the second is now." You said, growing sad and angry.

"Look at you. Look at you. Get up!" You said, forcing him to stand as he continues to weep. "STAND UP!"

"I'm sorry, Astrid." His weak voice said. "I'm sorry."

"No. It's to late. I don't want to see you anymore and I have nothing left to say to you." You hiss, turning his toward the door.

The man didn't hesitate to walk out, glancing back at you in sadness.

"Mama?" Yrsa's little voice called. "Will Uncle Hvitserk get better?"

"I hope so, darling. I hope so."

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