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2 months had passed and Aslaug was pregnant again.

At the time, you didn't know she was pregnant with your future husband.

Earlier in the month, Ragnar had sent Rollo to convince Jarl Borg to rejoin forces with them, due to the loss of men and ships from when Saxons killed those left behind in England.

But now, as you watched Jarl Borg and Rollo sail nearer to Kattegat, fear spread throughout your body as you cling to your father.

You let out a quiet whimper, not wanting to be at the docks anymore. Floki understood, as did many others who heard your sound of fear and moved out of the way so your father could take you away from the docks.


Later that night, you sat around the fire when Jarl Borg came near and instantly hid yourself in your parents arms as he sat beside Ragnar

"Earl Ragnar Lothbrok." Jarl Borg started. "Can I say, in all honesty, you're a greater man then I. I know I don't deserve the chance you have given me to raid and work with you, but I swear on my arm ring, from henceforth, you've no reason to doubt my loyalty or my commitment to our common cause."

"If we are being honest, I can tell you that it was King Horik who argued for a renewal of our alliance. As you can imagine, I was not, at first... enthusiastic. But then... then I realized what could be gained by inviting you." Ragnar said

"We have much to gain if we work together, and a lot to lose if we don't. Even I can see that now."

"Torstien." Ragnar called as he and Jarl Borg stood up.

"Yes, my Lord?" Torstien asked, moving to stand beside his Earl.

"Put Jarl Borg's men in the barn which the servants use and treat them with respect." Ragnar said

"Of course, my Lord."

Torstien walked off as Ragnar put a hand on Jarl Borg's shoulder. "Thank you."

The man sat back down as he and Jarl Borg talked. Unable to sit so close to the man you feared, you stood and walked away, to where Bjorn stood.

"Hello, little Astrid." Bjorn greeted with a smile as he picked you up.

"I'm scared." You frowned

"Of what?" Bjorn instantly asked, going into protective mode as he scanned the room for a threat.

"Jarl Borg."

Bjorn sighed, now understanding why you were as pale as a ghost.

"Don't worry. You won't be scared for to much longer."

"What do you mean?"

"Floki, Ragnar, Rollo. The men and I will deal with that problem. But you must keep it secret, yes?"

When you nodded, he smiled as he sat down, still holding you as he told you stories of the Gods until you fell asleep.

By the time you were dreaming, Bjorn had placed you in bed with Hvitserk, Ubbe and Sigurd, watching the 4 of your curl together in a pile of cuddling children.

Late in the night, you sat on Aslaug's throne and Ubbe sat in Ragnar's throne. Side by side, you both sat and waited with Ragnar. The man stood behind his thrones as he ate.

His men were to bring Jarl Borg here, so later that night, Ragnar could punish him. He hurt every family in Kattegat and for that, Ragnar would make him pay.

Rollo and Torstien took a group of men, killing Jarl Borg's men that had been locked in the barn. You could hear the screams of the men and women being burned alive with no escape and no chance to live.

Minutes later, King Horik and his son Prince Erlender  stormed into the hall.

"What is all the commotion?!" Horik roared

"I am sorry that the ambiance of Kattegat has awoken you." Ragnar said, continuing to eat his meat, handing you and Ubbe a piece which you both shared

"What is the cause of this?" Horik asked, staring at Ragnar

"In here." You heard Rollo say

Looking to the door, you saw your father, Rollo, Torstien and a few other men, dragging Jarl Borg in the Hall from the cold winter night. They threw Jarl Borg on the fur carpet in front of the thrones.

"Is he dead?" Horik asked

"No, no, no." Floki answered as he moved to stand behind the throne you sat in. "He's not dead."

"Yet." You added, earning a chuckle from the surrounding men. Horik and his son stayed quiet as Rollo kicked Jarl Borg in the ribs, the man grunting in pain.

"Why have you done this?" Horik asked in anger.

"Did you really think that I could ever forgive this man for threatening to kill my family and the people that I care about?"

"So what will you do now?"

Ragnar walked down the steps where Jarl Borg lay, moving to crouch in front of him.

"Since you consort with eagles, I will draw a blood eagle on your back." Ragnar told the injured man.

A Blood Eagle was a very painful form of torture. Whoever preformed such a thing must cut open the criminals back until they see the rib cage. Then, they must use an axe to split the ribs and reveal the lungs which they then drape over the criminals shoulders like the folded wings of an eagle. If the criminal doesn't scream, then they may go to Valhalla where they can feast with the Gods. But if they do scream, they may never enter Valhalla and with go to Hel and be tortured for all eternity.

"No." Jarl Borg said in fear.

"And your ribcage with spring apart." Ragnar continued with the details.

"No." Borg said, grabbing onto your Uncle as he begged

"Yes." Ragnar said as he stood and raised his arms up high. "Like wings."

The Red Queen (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang