A Simple Story

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"You were to clever for your own good, Astrid. We had the advantage and we lost." Harald said

Now, you were all back in his kingdom. You lay down with your head on Ivar's lap, Hvitserk sitting beside you both.

"As I remember, you approved the plan." You replied

"Up until that moment, you proved yourself a good tactician. I believed in you. I might not be so quick to endorse your plans next time." Harald scoffed

"You do as you see fit, King Harald." You said

"Uncle Rollo once told me on his ship on our way back from the Mediterranean, he said that if I ever needed his support, all I had to do was ask." Hvitserk said

"What do you think, Ivar? Astrid?" Harald asked

When you went to speak, Ivar covered your mouth. He knew you would say yes and then kill Rollo as soon as you saw him.

"Come on." Harald hissed. "What do you two think? Do you want the Franks to help us?"

"I think you ought to leave at first light tomorrow." Ivar said

Hvitserk nodded and left the room to go prepare.


You watched the Frankish soldiers sail closer to Harald's kingdom before looking toward the palace and seeing Ivar sitting there, also watching.

When Hvitserk walked toward you, Frankish soldiers following, you smiled as you hugged him.

"I hope the sea wasn't to rough, Hvitty."

"As calm as the sounds before battle." Hvitserk grinned as you began walking with him

Frankish soldiers marched past you as you made your way to stand beside Ivar, Hvitserk, Harald and Astrid also standing beside him.


"Where is Rollo?" You asked, sharpening your sword

"Rollo couldn't come." Hvitserk replied. "He had to many responsibilities. But he also told me that he would come back and celebrate with us afterwards."

At this, you scoffed while Ivar hummed.

"He only asked for one thing..." Hvitserk said after a moment.

"And what was that?" Ivar asked

"That we spare Bjorn's life." Hvitserk answered

Harald and Astrid said nothing as they walked off while you turned to face the men.

"Perhaps we will." Ivar said causing your eyes to snap to him.


Bjorn had dared to visit Harald's Kingdom. To talk, he said...

"Where is Rollo?" He asked. "Where is my uncle?"

"I went to meet him. He sends his love to you, Bjorn Ironside, and hopes you're not willing to fight against his forces." Hvitserk replied

"Then why would he commit his forces to you?" Bjorn asked with a huff

"He didn't tell. That's the truth. Only that he was prepared to do so."

"I can tell you." Ivar said as you continued to glare at Bjorn. "Rollo sees justice in our cause. Lagertha murdered our mother and usurped her kingdom."

"All that is in the past now, Ivar." Bjorn said

"I must avenge my mother's murder, and I think you would do the same if it was you." Ivar said

"For the sake of our father, for the sake of our father's legacy and everything he believed in, I am asking you, Ivar, do not put our people's lives at risk." Bjorn begged

"The only reason why you are saying this is because you see all the might gathering against you. If you still thought you could win, you would not be here, Bjorn." You chuckled. "The fact is, you are afraid."

"I am not afraid, young Astrid." Bjorn sighed. "This changes nothing."

"Well..." you sighed

Ivar waved his hand, the men in the room walking forward with raised weapons.

"What is this?!" Harald asked as the men stopped

"You know as well as I do that this is not our way." Harald said, pointing at both you and Ivar. "It's not our way!"

You chuckled as you leaned back in your seat. "It was worth a try."

Waving your hand, your men backed off and moved back into their previous spots

"I'm sorry Rollo had to involve himself in our quarrel. Doesn't he have worlds enough to conquer?" Bjorn asked as he walked out of the hall


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