Baldur and Yrsa

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The statue of you and Ivar had been destroyed. Spilt in half, dead animals hanging off it. Ivar had gone to investigate whereas you could only see from the window. You were unable to leave the hall, for your due date was fast approaching.

You were to give birth in a matter of days and you were terrified.


You sat, wrapped in Ivar's arm, while Thora stood in front of you both. She was the woman that Hvitserk was seeing.

"Come." You said, summoning her closer. She did as you asked, watching as you smiled.

"Please, sit." You said

Thora once again, did as told, sitting down in front of you and your husband.

"Thora, my husband and I are trying to rule well. I am trying to rule for the benefit of our people, not the strangers. Not the outsiders who threaten us." You started

"My wife is right. I use my divinity to protect you. Like a father. But still you hate me." Ivar says. "You deface our image. You criticize us. Why?"

You and Ivar suspected that Thora was the one to ruin the statue of you and Ivar and you wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

"In Ragnar's time, everyone was free. That's what my parents told me. They could say what they wanted, they could do what they wanted. Ragnar never forced them to do anything. And above all, he never forced anyone to worship him. He knew that he was only human, just like the rest of us." Thora hissed

You sigh, looking to your conflicted husband.

"You have spoken well. Now go." Ivar said.

"Go?" She asks

"I remember your father. He is a good man. One of us. Now go." Ivar said as you placed a hand on her shoulder.

The woman quickly stood and left, not knowing your hand was the mark of death, painted with blood.

Anyone who saw your red handprint knew that Thora was to be captured and killed for daring to defy you and the King.

And it was true. After Thora left, you heard people whispering as the guards follow her.

"The mark of death. Look, she has it on her shoulder. The Queen wants her to die."

Thora was soon burned alive in the woods along with the other traitors that you had marked for death, even a few children. You did feel pity for them, deep down. But at the moment, you felt nothing but power.


You let out a loud and pained groan as you pushed, covered in sweat. Many thralls rushed around you, preparing for the baby while Ivar sat on the other end of the room, holding his head in his hands, praying to Odin or Freya or any god that will listen to him.

Your screams were loud, causing Ivar to cover his ears as he tried to block them out. He hated that you were in pain and would happily take the pain away from you if possible.

The midwife that had been standing between your legs moved to readjust you as you cried. Sadly, Ivar glanced over and saw the sight he didn't want to see, immediately looking away.

But when your screams grew, he became more concerned, watching in shock as he saw his baby's head finally emerge.

"The head! One more. Come now!" Your midwife said

You screamed again as you pushed once more, screaming and crying loudly, not hearing Ivar's whimper of fear.

You heard the cry of a little baby before the feeling of relief finally washed over you as you panted heavily.

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