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Everyone stood as Oleg continued to search the crowd for his ward, his eyes landing on you for a moment before he glanced around again. He whispered something to his guard and you watched as she and a few more rushed into Kiev to look

The men of god picked up the cross and continued into Kiev with everyone following them.

"Come. It's almost time for us." You tell Yrsa, holding her hand as you followed after Oleg

Hidden in your robes was a bow and a quiver filled with arrows. Yrsa held a dagger in her own robes.


Now gathered in the courtyard in front of the palace, you moved Yrsa to stand in front of you as you all looked to Prince Oleg.

"My brothers. I offer myself up for you."

He and the men of god knelt before the cross and made the sign of god. Oleg's robes were split into pieces as two men grabbed whips.

As the whipping began, you smirked, seeing the wagon enter the courtyard. Igor and Ivar sat on the front and you knew Hvitserk was sitting underneath the massive pile of hay.

The whips continued as the Bishop saw the wagon and walked over.

The wagon was brought forward as he spoke in Latin again, confusing you as you worriedly looked to Ivar.

With the Bishop now out of the way and the crowd making a path, you watched as Ivar rode right by you, dropping something small.


"I want you to have this." Ivar said, handing you a small wooden carving.

Holding it up in the light, you saw that it was of a man, a woman and two babies. You realized that it was a carving of the family you and Ivar had started and that the children were Yrsa and Baldur.

"Why?" You hesitantly ask

"In case I am to die tomorrow. I want you to have that."

You frown as you sit up and look at him. "No."


"You can keep it because I know that you will never die. Gods do not die. They bleed. They kill. They cry. But they do not end up dead." You hiss, handing him the wooden carving

Sighing, Ivar nodded as he pulled you to lay beside him again.


You frowned when you held the small carving in your hand and sighed.

"My darling, please put this in your pocket." You whispered, earning a nod from Yrsa as she put it away

Now, Ivar, Hvitserk and Igor had left Kiev. You were left, as was Yrsa. You knew they would return. They had every reason to.


Oleg had you and Yrsa locked up in Igor's old room now, after he found out about the betrayal.

While Yrsa slept, you frowned when you saw the otherwise empty room. Not even Igor's nest remained for the pole that it was on had been cut down.

All toys had been destroyed as were his books. Now there was only his bed.

You frowned, realizing that Igor's childhood had been taken away and sighed.

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