On the Eve

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You sat on Ivar's lap in the boat, sailing down the river. You could hear the screams as the people fled, to scared to try and fight all of you.

You laughed as you leaned back against Ivar.

"What a bunch of cowards." You sighed

Ivar chuckled and nodded in agreement as he sighed. "It's like music."

You chuckled again, leaning up. Now your face was only inches away from his.

"I love you." You smiled causing Ivar to grin as he leaned forward, resting his forehead against your own.

"I love you to, little dove."


Now in Mercia, you and the others were setting up camp.

"It seems to me that the Saxons are as timid as frightened women. Their hearts are faint. I don't think they can truly trouble us." Ivar smirked

"You don't know enough, Ivar." Bjorn said. "You haven't seen enough. These are brave men. I've fought against them, you haven't."

"I can only see what my eyes tell me, Bjorn." Ivar chuckled. "And what I see is frightened people running from us. I see their spineless God running from our gods."

"For once, why don't you just listen to an older, wiser brother?" Ubbe asked. "These people who are running away, they're not warriors. They are not the ones who will stay and fight to defend this kingdom."

"And protect their honour. For what is a warrior without his honour?" Sigurd asked

"I don't know. You tell me, brother." Ivar scoffed. "And tell me again, how many battles have you fought?"

"Same as you, brother. Except, I don't run around in a comfortable bloody carriage."

"What you have to learn, Ivar, is that if you break up this brotherhood, we shall not succeed. We have many challenges ahead of us, so if you want to keep arguing and whining like a little girl, then I suggest you leave. We don't need you." Bjorn dared to say

"Oh, but you do need me. Why do you think Father chose me to come with him to England? He had a reason for doing so. He told me I was the one who would act for him, who would make sure, he was revenged." Ivar said

"If that's what you want to think," Bjorn said as he held up a deer head, pretending that it was the deer who spoke. "then think it."

"I understand that is must be hard for you to accept that the true heir to the great Ragnar Lothbrok should turn out to be a cripple and a reject." Ivar smirked

Floki chuckled while Ubbe sighed.

"So this is what the grunting of the piggies was all about." Floki said.

"Yes, Papa. Those piggies will not shut up." You sighed as you continued to skin the deer


You awoke to your mother yelling at your father.

"Something has frightened her and she ran away! She could be in danger, Floki and you must go find her!" Helga said

Looking to Tanaruz's bed, you saw that it was empty.

Helga was pulled into a hug by her husband as you glared at the empty bed.

"Where is my darling?" Helga sobbed

'Right here.' You thought. How could she prefer a stranger over her own child?


By morning, you and Floki were searching for the girl.

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