All His Angels

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They had moved you into Ivar's room which was much brighter then the room you had been in. Ivar hadn't let you go since he first got his hands on you again. Not even when Alfred, Athelstan's son, would visit.

Athelstan had an affair with Princess Judith and had gotten her pregnant, resulting in the birth of Alfred.

Currently, you and Ivar sat across from the boy, Ivar and him playing chess.

You chuckled as Alfred took another player of Ivar's, seeing Ivar chuckle as well before he made his own move and took another player of Alfred's.

When Alfred took Ivar's knight, Ivar looked to you in shock.

"How did he know to do that?"

You simply shrugged in response while Ivar pouted. He was losing to a child.

Suddenly, the door opened and a group of guards came in. They told Alfred something while you and Ivar glanced at each other in fear.


"I have some good news." Ragnar said

You and Ivar had been moved to his room for some reason. And you knew why. They were going to kill him and this was goodbye.

"King Ecbert has arranged a boat. You two are going home."

"We won't go without you." You said

"They aren't going to release me." Ragnar sighed. "I have to die."

"Then Astrid will go home and I'll die to." Ivar said, crossing his arms as you turned to him, eyes wide in fear. "I'm thinking of being burned alive."

"Don't be stupid." Ragnar said as you grabbed onto Ivar and pulled him close. "I don't want of you to die. Astrid will be alone, travelling with men. Would you really want that?"

"Don't bring her into this." Ivar snarled

"Both of you, stop!" You said

The men sighed as Ragnar looked back to Ivar after smiling at you. "It is far more important that you stay alive."

Ragnar groaned as he stood and looked to Ivar again. "People think that you are not a threat. But I know differently. Out of all of my sons, it was you that I wanted to bring here, and it is you that I believe is the most important to the future of our people."

"I'm just about prepared to believe you." Ivar said

"Shut up and listen, idiot." Ragnar said, grabbing Ivar's shirt. "You have many gifts. Anger is a gift, what is in here is a gift." Ragnar said, pointing at Ivar's head. "You do not think like other men. You are unpredictable and that will serve you well. Use your anger intelligently and I promise you, my son that one day, the whole world will know and fear Ivar the Boneless."

"I wish... I wish I wasn't so angry all of the time." Ivar admits as you continue to try and pry open the windows.

"Then you would be nothing." Ragnar said.

"I might have been happier." Ivar said

"Happiness is nothing."

Ivar chuckled and shook his head. "I was only joking, idiot." He said as he gently smacked his father's head.

Ragnar sighed and huffed a laugh before continuing.

"Ecbert is handing me over to King Alle who will kill me." Ragnar said

"If this Alle is going to kill you, me and all my brothers will seek him out for revenge and you know that." Ivar snarled

"Yes. Oh, you must seek revenge but not on Alle. On Ecbert." Ragnar said

You and Ivar stared at Ragnar before Ivar nodded.

"Everyone will always underestimate you." Ragnar told his son. "You must make them pay for it."

Ivar tried to hide his tears as Ragnar took off his arm ring and gave it to his youngest son.

"I will, Father." Ivar said, failing to hide his breaking voice.

"Be ruthless." Ragnar whispered

When the guards came in, they grabbed Ivar and went to grab you but Ragnar stopped them and spoke in their language.

The men told Ragnar something before they dragged Ivar out and shut the door.

"Sit down, Astrid."

You nodded and sat in the seat your lover once was in.

"Ivar will need you after I'm gone. More then before. I need you to take care of him." Ragnar said

"I will, Uncle." You said

Ragnar smiled at this. "Astrid the Heartless has a heart, it seems."

You chuckled at his words, looking up at him. "How'd you know?"

"You think I haven't heard the stories?"

You shook your head, smiling at your uncle. "Will I see you in Valhalla?"

"I don't know, Astrid. Perhaps I will go to Heaven with the Christian God." Ragnar sighed

You nodded, tears filling your eyes until it overflowed.

"I love you, Astrid." Ragnar said

"I love you to." You said as you hugged him.

"Take care of Ivar, even if he doesn't deserve you." Ragnar smiled as the guards opened the door.

They grabbed your arms, dragging you out of the room. Looking back, you saw Ragnar trying not to cry himself until the door slammed shut and you finally realized that was the last time that you would ever see Ragnar Lothbrok.

You were brought to a carriage where Ivar sat, waiting for you. After getting there, Ivar helped you onto the carriage.

The son of Ecbert shouted on order and the carriage started to move out of the kingdom.

You and Ivar felt numb inside as you rode further away from Wessex and toward the ship that would take you to Kattegat.


After what felt like weeks at sea, you had finally arrived back home.

You got off, walking past Ubbe and Sigurd without a word. They shared a glance of confusion as they helped Ivar off the boat.

You froze at the sight of Lagertha's warriors guarding her at the docks. Why was she here? Where was Aslaug?

"Lagertha..." you said, watching as she smiled. "Where's Aslaug?" You asked as she hugged you.

Her smile fell as she sighed. "Dead."




The word kept echoing in your mind as you stared at the woman, eyes filled with tears. "How?"

"I killed her."

You froze once more, anger now taking over you.

Saying nothing, you pushed past Lagertha and headed into the kingdom.

"Come now, Astrid. I'll teach you to weave."

"Don't give me that look, Astrid. You know it's true."

Aslaug laughed as she watched you and Ubbe dance around the hall and goofing about, singing songs as she clapped along with the music.

"Hurry now, Astrid! Or Sigurd will find us!" Aslaug laughed

As memories of your Aunt replayed in your head while tears poured down your face, you could only wonder how Ivar would react.

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