Chapter 5 - Maxon

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I spent the entire day yesterday welcoming my beautiful girl to Boston. By welcoming I mean, hanging out and making love to her. I can't help that I can't keep my hands off her. I hadn't seen her in over a month and instead of the distance making us drift apart, it's made us infinitely closer.

Once the season started, I knew being in a relationship where your partner is on the other side of the country would be difficult. What with practice and the pre-season. Thankfully, that's over but that means playoffs start next week. My stomach takes a tumble knowing I'll be traveling for half the games. I knew that going into a relationship with Madison would require some sacrifice on both our parts come football season. As it looks right now though, Madison has had to sacrifice more and I can't deny that a part of me feels guilty of taking her away from her family. But a bigger part is ecstatic that my other half is finally here with me.

I sigh, heading for my locker. I hope though, that the time that I'm away doesn't mess with her mind. I know many women start doubting their man when he's away and I don't want Madison to doubt my intentions. Ever.

Like that would be a problem. No one outside of Madison has my attention and they never will. She's the only one for me. Mi amor.

I can't help but smile at the term of endearment I have for her.

"Someone woke up on the right side of the bed today." I turn and watch as my best friend and teammate, Luke Carter, saunters up to me. The guys greet their team captain as he walks by and he acknowledges every single one of them. "What's with the stupid grin?" He asks once he nears me.

I only continue smirking at him and it dawns on him. "Madison, huh? Get laid last night?"

I glare at him to shut the fuck up but he only snorts, moving past me to get to his own locker. "So she made it here safely?"

"Yeah." I set down my gym bag, pulling out my jersey and sliding it on.

"Thank God, you looked like a little wimp without her."

I go to punch his stupid face in but he quickly ducks out of the way. "Kidding. Not a wimp. A little rough maybe?"

"Dude, shut the fuck up before I actually punch your stupid face in."

"My face is not stupid." He looks wounded at my words but I roll my eyes. He will bounce back to his usual self in no time. "What I'm trying to say is I told you so."

I shoot him a look but he's staring back at me, a crooked grin on his. "I've never seen you happier than with Madison. Remember? When she was going to fly out for New York?"

The memory from a few months ago flashes back in my head. When Luke announced to me that Vanessa was bringing her best friend, Madison Rosales, to Luke's birthday bash. I knew then that Luke was trying to set her up with me. Whether she knew it or not she was next on his "girls to date Maxon and try to change his mind" list. I have to say, she didn't even have to try because the moment I saw her, I was a goner. I actually had to be the one to try and change her mind. After hearing about me using women––yes, something I'm not proud of––she assumed I was only chasing after her to fuck her. But I couldn't blame her. I was in a shit headspace after my ex, Natasha, cheated on me with more than one of my teammates. I didn't really have a high opinion of women after that so instead of dating them, I used them for pleasurable purposes. I cringe at my actions. If Madison only knew everything I did in that time I'm sure she would once again think poorly of me.

"Hey," Luke notices the faltering smile on my face. "I know where that mind went. Leave all that in the past. Where they belong and look at the now. Madison's good for you. More than good. In fact, she's an angel from Heaven." He lifts off his tank and replaces it with his own jersey. "If she weren't my sister's best friend and if she weren't dating you? I would've got a go at her." I glare at his choice of words and he lifts his hands in surrender. "Just kidding man. You know both of you are a perfect match for each other. I wouldn't get in the way of that."

"Hold you to it." I grunt, reaching for my gloves.

He draws an X across his heart. "Never but I do have to her sister Trinity single?"

I whip around to face him so fast I'm surprised my neck doesn't snap. "You better shoot that thought down real quick. She's like a sister to me and I know for a fact you both don't suit each other."

He lets out a mock gasp. "What? Everyone is my type."

I shake my head. "Not happening. Besides, you can't handle her."

"What does that mean? Have you seen my bod?"
"I'm not talking about physicality, idiot." I point to my head, "In here. She's way younger than you but smart as a whip. Don't mess with her."

"Fine, all I'm saying is she's just as hot as Madison."

I give him a pointed look to shut the hell up before he ends up dead in a ditch.

We finish getting ready and just as Luke and I are heading for the field coach calls him over.
"Carter! A word!"

Luke pats me on the shoulder, "I'll be back." Then runs off to speak with him. It's most likely something about the start of the season.

"Hey, man." Isaiah pops up next to me. "Ready for the big game next week?"

I give him a lopsided grin. "Always."

"We've won every game so far for pre-season. I think we actually have a chance at making it to the superbowl."

"Same here. We've come very close the past couple years but it just feels different this time."

Isaiah gives me a cheeky grin. "Is this because of football or because of Madison? She's back right?"

I nod, "She is. And I can't deny," I turn to him. "She may be fueling my drive to win even more. She has yet to come to a game and I want to impress her with my skills."

He snorts. "Dude, I don't think you need to worry about that. I mean, she's dating your ugly ass. I'm sure you're good in that department."

I chuckle, "Yeah, I'm a lucky bastard for sure."

We make it onto the field and start warming up. I glance back and find Luke nodding at something coach is showing him on his clipboard.

"Labor day is this weekend. Are you all doing anything?"

I shake my head. "Was hoping to see my ma this weekend but I have to see what Madison says. I want to introduce the woman who raised me to the woman I love."

Isaiah nods his head. "They haven't met yet?"

"No, I don't want to pressure Madison. But I can't deny that I want them to meet. My ma is actually eager to see her."

"Well, hopefully Madison does decide. Your mom's chill though so I don't doubt that they will get along. My mama on the other hand though...I'd be scared for the woman I was with."

I let out a low laugh. "Your ma is a bit intense."

"Now that's an understatement."

A whistle sounds loudly across the field. "What are y'all doin'?" Coach yells and Luke stands beside him, arms across his chest and a smug look on his face. "Stop hanging around like a bunch of teenage girls! We've got the first game of the season next week! Get movin'! The game ain't gon' play itself! Let's go!"

"Ready?" I ask Isaiah after we finish warming up.

"For drills? You know it."

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