Chapter 39 - Madison

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I knock on the door to my house and not long after, Trinity opens the door. Her eyes immediately widen.

"Surprise!" I greet her with a smile.

"I–Madison. W-what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to spend Christmas with my family." I walk through the door and she just stares after me. Her mouth opening and closing. "Uh–where's Maxon?"

"He flew out to Louisiana to spend Christmas with his mom."

"What! I mean, why aren't you guys here together? I thought–"

"Trinity!" I hear Liam call and as soon as he spots me he comes to a halt.

"Hi." I tell him. Noticing he's carrying luggage I ask, "Are you going somewhere?"

"Wha–who–me? Pfft. Why would I go anywhere?"

Leah emerges from behind him. Carrying her own bag.

"Get back!" Liam not so subtly shoves her back.

"OW! What the hell Liam!"

"Madi is here."

Her eyes round and that's when her eyes land on mine. Her mouth rounds into an O.

I frown. Why are they all acting so weird?

"¿Quién llegó?" Who's here? My mom asks.

"Soy yo, Ma."

She comes from her room, mouth agape. "A-ay, Madi. Que haces aqui?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I live here."

"Not anymore you don't." Liam says and Leah smacks him upside the head. "That's rude, Liam."

"Why are you all so surprised? Don't you want me here?"

"No, Madi. Come here, mi corazón." My mom pulls me into her warm embrace. "We are very happy. You just surprised us."

"No shit." Liam mutters.

"Were you guys going somewhere? If not I can–"

"No, siéntate. We were just packing things we don't need anymore. To give away for Christmas."

"There is no way I'm giving away my Jordans—"

Another smack resonates across the house. "Shut up, Liam."

I take a seat on the couch. I meet my family's eyes who are all watching me warily.

It was clear they weren't expecting me. Hell, I myself wasn't planning on coming so out of the blue. But here I am.

"What are you doing here?" Trinity asks the question I'm sure is on all of their minds.

"I already told you–"

"Without Maxon."

"Did you guys break up?" Liam asks and I frown. "No."

"Then? Why didn't you bring him?"

I bite my lip. "I decided I needed some time away from him."

"What happened?" Leah immediately sits beside me.


"Bull, Madi. There is no way you just suddenly need time away from a guy like Maxon. What happened?"

"Can we not talk about this right now? I just want to rest. I'm very tired from the flight."

My siblings all look at each other and my mom offers me to go sleep on her bed.

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