Chapter 9 - Madison

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I look up from my book once again, unable to focus. My gaze keeps on drifting back to Maxon and the children.

Earlier this afternoon, a few of the neighbors came by with their children. They heard that Maxon Blake was back in town and decided to come greet him. I smile as I remember the faces of the boys when they met him for the first time. The awe and timidness in their little faces. One of them had shyly asked him if he could teach them how to play football and Maxon answered yes. No hesitations. Which brings us to now.

Maxon is demonstrating how to throw a football and asks if any of the children wants to volunteer to catch.

A whole bunch of little hands go up and he picks a little boy with a mop of brown hair. The rest of the children moan in disappointment. I chuckle and put my book down, finding this way more entertaining. I still find it amazing that he's an NFL player. Sure, people recognize him everywhere we go and he goes to interviews and plays games but all of that is forgotten when I'm with him.

At the end of the day, football is his job. It's a part of him but it doesn't define who he is. I was blind then. Basing him off a stereotypical type. I'm a lucky girl to have found him and that he wanted me. I know a part of me believes that I don't deserve him after everything I put him through.

"Now," Maxon's voice cuts through my thoughts, "don't worry. All you guys will have a chance to throw and catch the ball."

The moans of disappointment turn into cheers of excitement.

"Stand over there, bud." He gestures to the opposite side of the yard. "Ready?"

The little boy who got chosen looks a bit nervous but gives a little nod anyway.

Maxon notices this too. "I won't throw it too hard. Ready?" He repeats.

The boy nods. More confidently this time.

Maxon throws his arm back, aims, then let's go.

The ball spirals perfectly towards the boy and he catches it,

"I caught it!" He yells with joy and pride. "I caught a ball thrown by Maxon Blake!" The rest of the kids cheer but it quickly turns into them arguing over who's going to go next.

Two dark haired boys who appear to be siblings start pushing at each other.

"I'm going first!"

"No, I'm going first!"

"I'm older so I'm going first!" The taller of the two shoves his brother so hard he falls back to the ground.

Oh no.

The little boy's lips start quivering, his brother staring down at him with a smug look.

Before I know it I'm rushing toward the boy. At the same time Maxon shouts. "Hey!"

I kneel in front of the kid, "Oh my God! Are you okay?"

He nods, a few tears slipping down his small face.

I hear a door open but don't turn around to see who it is.

Maxon sidles up next to me. "Are you okay, buddy?" he repeats, kneeling down beside me as the rest of the children gather around.

I run an eye over the boy, inspecting him for any signs of cuts or scratches. I don't see any except some grass and dirt clinging to his elbows. I hold out a hand to help him up. He gives me a shy smile as he looks away.

"Why are you crying?" His bully of a brother asks. "You're such a cry baby, Ty! Cry baby! Cry baby! Cry baby!"

A gasp sounds from behind us. I glance over my shoulder and see a woman––whom I assume is their mother––come out with Mrs. Blake and a few others.

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