Thank you!

3.1K 78 35

I just want say a quick thank you to all of you who have supported both of my stories, Please Believe Me and Please Forgive Me.

When I started publishing on Wattpad I never thought anyone would even take interest in my stories. There are millions on here. So to those of you who decided to click on Please Believe Me and decided to continue with Please Forgive Me? Thank you so much!

Your support means everything to me and I know every writer says this but once you become a writer, every person counts. Every person is appreciated because you serve as reminders for us to push through. When we feel like our story isn't good enough, when we simply feel unmotivated, we remember, there is someone out there waiting for an update.

Your comments, conversations and messages come to mind.

Anyway, I really really hope you all loved or at the very least enjoyed Please Forgive Me. Going into this one...I wrote it almost two years ago and never finished so I didn't really know how it would end. But I kept writing and here's the result. 🥰 I'm pretty happy with it. It does need a lot of work though. All my stories are first drafts so something is bound to not make sense or there are simple grammatical or punctuation mistakes.

I try to revise my work as much as I can since I'm very particular about these things.

Okay, so I know you all are wondering if there will be one more book and the answer is YES!

I wanted Maxon and Madison's story to be a trilogy. So ONE more in their journey. ❤️

For any of you wondering if Trinity will get a story? THE ANSWER IS YES TOO!

Ive already started brainstorming and that's as much as you'll get about that!

Thank you again for being such great followers, supporters or even fans if you consider yourself one! Thank you to everyone who comments, silently reads, votes, they are all fuel to me.

Remember if you have any questions...don't hesitate to comment or send me a message through Wattpad. I will reply 😊

Until next time! 🙏

Please Forgive MeWhere stories live. Discover now