Chapter 15 - Madison

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After letting Maxon know that I wasn't angry with him we went down to help his mom set up for the barbeque. Apparently, she's the queen of throwing gathering's on such short notice. And that proves to be the case once we have a few tables set up with a garland of decorations running down the center of each. Where and when she purchased them is beyond me. While setting up she asked me what I was going to college for and I told her it was for event management.

She automatically knew what I was talking about and proceeded to tell me how that's something she would have liked to have done but had more of a passion for interior decorating.

That's what she does for a living and I should've known. Her home seems from one out of the magazine's. I ended up confiding that that's something my sister was going to college for and she said it was a great career to have. She relayed all these tips and tricks and even extended an invitation for her to intern at her place of business when the time came for her to do so. My brows had risen at that.

Maxon had overheard some of the conversation and mentioned how Lincoln–one of his friend's I had the pleasure of meeting–had just opened up his own architectural firm with both architects and interior designers being available to work in the same location. He said he could help Trinity get a job there if she wished after graduation. I only told both of them that they would have to take it up with her and let her know. It was her decision at the end of the day.

After everything was set up and Maxon had the fire started, a few of Maxon's and Mrs. Blake's friends and neighbors started arriving.

Sofia started panicking since the food wasn't ready yet and Maxon and I both assured her that it would get done.

She shook her head, ushering us to go get ready and we told her we didn't pack anything nice.

Her shoulders had deflated at that and I reassured her that next time, we would have a nice get together.

She perked up at that and went to go greet her friends.

While Maxon was flipping the hamburger patties–now on the grill–I was placing the tomatoes, onions, cheese, lettuce and condiments on the table.

Before I knew it, we were surrounded by what seemed like the entire neighborhood and it made me realize just how much people loved the Blake family. Not because Maxon was in the NFL–though that may have something to do with it—but because of how they are. Their generosity and humility make them an unforgettable family.

Laughter and cheer ring all around me and I spot a few women around Maxon's age waiting in line to get a burger and talk to him.

I smile, knowing there's nothing I need to be insecure about. He's literally given me no reason to feel that way. I shift my gaze away from them, focusing instead on the sky and see the red, orange, and purples of the sun setting far out in the west. In California. My family must be taking in the same sight. I sigh. I know they must be doing something together right now. What? I'm not sure. Watching a movie, maybe. Like we did every Sunday.

A hand to my back has me glancing around and I find Mrs. Blake watching me, her bright smile illuminated by the small fairy lights strung across the huge yard.

"Take a seat, honey. Grab some food. Have a good time."

"I will." I shyly glance at her and she gives me a hug. "I'm so happy you're here." She takes in our surroundings and leans in, "Don't feel obligated to speak to everyone. You owe them nothing, okay?"

"I know, hon. I can see that you don't feel comfortable around people you don't know but they're good people."

She gives me a final squeeze before telling me to go prepare myself a burger.

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