Chapter 10 - Maxon

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Once the door closes behind me I'm on her.

"Maxon!" Madison screeches as I bend down and scoop her up.

I crash my mouth with hers and walk towards the bed, never once breaking contact with her delicious lips.

Her little tongue touches mine and I lose all sense of thought. I want her. So goddamn much I feel like I'm going to drill a whole through my gym shorts.

I toss her onto the bed and she yelps. I give her a devilish grin and quickly kneel between her legs. Just as I'm removing my shirt I hear, "Maxon! Maxon!" Fuck. I close my eyes as my mother's voice calls from somewhere downstairs. "Sweetie, where are you?"

I hear a giggle and find Madison with a hand over her mouth, trying to stifle a grin.

I narrow my eyes at her. "You think this is funny?"

"No." She smothers a laugh.

"Oh, I think you do." I cover her body with my own, resting my weight on my arms. I lean down and trace the seam of her lips with my tongue. She lets out a small sigh, her hands coming to rest on my shoulders.

I can't help but be smug. I know she loves it when I do that. Slowly, I grind my lower body against her warm heat. "Maxon..." She moans and I smirk at the pleasure on her face. "Not so funny now is it?" I start grinding harder into her body, letting her feel how much I want her and she gasps. 

"Maxon! Madison!" My mother's voice sounds closer, almost as if she's coming up the stairs. "Fuck." I groan at the same time she yells, "Are you up here?!"

Madison tenses underneath me just as she sounds closer. "Sweetie..."

Shit. I quickly get up, adjust myself and swing the door open just as my mother goes to knock.

"Oh! Here you are! Where'd you two go? I thought you both had left on a walk or something." She tries looking past me but I block her view with my broad shoulders.

Composing myself as best as I can I say, "Madison wasn't feeling well so I brought her upstairs to rest."

"Oh no! Is she okay? Let me see––"

"No!" I exclaim a bit too loudly making her face scrunch up in confusion. I quickly add, "She's sleeping, ma. I don't think it's a good idea."

"I still think I should––" She tries pushing past me and into my room. I feel like a teenager once again feeling caught at doing something that's wrong. Not wrong, inappropriate.

Gently, I push my mother back and close the door behind me. "She's fine, ma. It's just the heat."

My ma stares at me a few moments then her face transforms into a knowing smirk. At that moment I realize the double entendre behind my words. "Just the heat, is it?"

I sigh, "Why are you looking for me?"

I love my mother with my whole heart but sometimes she might be a bit too nosy. The only way to stop her when she's down this road is to change directions.

"Oh! Yes," she latches her arm through mine and leads us down the hall, "a few of the boys are asking for you. Since they won't be able to come tomorrow they want to take pictures and get autographs." I nod in agreement as we reach the first floor.

"And while you're at it, make sure to take a cup of lemonade up to Madison. It will help her cool off." She winks at me and I groan.


I never said I was a good liar.


I know this was a short chapter but I thought it would be fun to include it!

Next chapter might be up tomorrow or sometime this week :)

Also, thank you so much for the support on this story. It means the world!

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