Chapter 36 - Madison

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I stand in the shower, brushing my hair back.

This is just what I needed. Water always calms me down and helps me clear my mind.

I'm standing here, soaking up the warmth of the water when the door to the shower opens and two strong arms wrap around me.

"Mind if I join you?" His deep, sultry voice asks.

My eyes open and I stiffen.

I didn't even hear him come into the room.

"What are you doing here?" I step out of his arms that are tempting enough to make me forget what I saw.

"Showering. With you."

"I want to be left alone, Maxon."

Hurt flashes across his beautiful eyes but it doesn't compare to the hurt I'm feeling inside.

How could he do this to me? He's left alone for a few minutes and what does he do?

"I'm sorry I left you, Madison."

I stare at him.

Is he seriously apologizing for leaving me alone? While he was out there making out with Natasha?


I turn my back to him, running my hands through my hair to keep the soap from falling into my eyes.

"I'm not mad because you left me alone, Maxon. It's who you left with." I hiss.

"You–you saw us?" Maxon stutters and I whip around.

"Yes, I saw you!" I snap. "It was the logical thing to do to go looking for you. I was so worried even Isaiah volunteered to help me look for you."

I let out a harsh laugh as his eyes darken.

"But guess what? While I was busy worrying and looking for you, you were making out with your ex."

Maxon stands there, water running down his body as his jaw tightens.

"That is not what I was doing." He says lowly.

"No? Then why was she touching you? Cupping your face? You had your hands around her wrists as if you couldn't let her go."

"Two old lovers reunited." I choke out and fuck. Why did I have to get so emotional?

I was doing just fine yelling at him. Screw you, emotions.

Understanding lights Maxon's eyes.

In a flash, he has me pinned against the shower wall. He tilts my chin up to face him. "Is that what you seriously think? Two ex-lovers reunited? That I still love her? That I would leave you for her?"

I look down and that's answer enough.

"Madison..." He lets out a soft chuckle, leaning his forehead against mine.

"What's so funny?" I ask, warily.

"Oh my God. I love you."

"What's so funny, Maxon." I frown, having no idea what's so humorous right now.

"You were jealous." I open my mouth in protest but he cuts me off. "Don't even deny it, sweetheart. You were jealous, admit it."

A blush stains my cheeks. How does he always manage to turn the conversation to me?

"I was." I admit. "But I was mostly angry. Why would you take back the girl who cheated on you? Didn't respect you? Did you love her that much?"

Maxon searches my face and very carefully he says, "I loved her, Madison. I did. Not anymore." He cups my chin, looking at my lips. "And I would never take her back. She's a manipulating conniving bitch. I don't make it a habit to call women that but it's true. That's what she is." He meets my eyes, rubbing a thumb against my bottom lip. "That's what she was trying to do tonight. She wants to see us arguing so we can break up."

"The devil." I mutter.

"Yes." He chuckles. "She's the devil. That's why I took her outside. I didn't want you to see us and get the wrong idea but it was futile apparently. You still saw us."

"I saw her leaning up to kiss you. That's when I left."

"We didn't kiss if that's what you're asking. I pushed her away. That's when I heard Isaiah calling after you. I went to check and saw him holding onto you."

He runs the back of his hand along my cheek. "Judging by the look on your face and the fact that you weren't looking at me, I knew you were angry at me. I just didn't know why you were so angry."

He smiles down at me as his hands go around to grip my ass.

Butterflies kick off in my belly. "But I'm glad we got it all settled, right?"

I grin back, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yes, we're settled. Well, kind of." I bite my lip, scanning his naked hard body.

He groans. "You looked so sexy tonight."

"So did you." I run my hands down his wet chest. "You should wear suits more often. It's such a huge turn on." I whisper in his ear then bite it.

He emits another groan, squeezing my ass cheeks together he rasps, "We should probably take this to the bedroom."

"I think we should."

So, there it is! Things are good...or are they?

I'm not saying anymore!!

I hope you all have a Happy Valentines and a new chapter should be out, well, I'm not sure. Soon though! ❤️

Until then! ☺️

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