Chapter 27 - Maxon

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On our drive back to LA I don't let go of Madison's hand once. She's been quiet the entire drive and I can tell this feeling she has has really thrown her off. Despite me trying to reassure her, she's still unsure and I can't blame her. If I had a premonition like that I wouldn't know what to do. I glance over at her as we near the hotel where Luke and I are staying at for the next few days.

She's still silent and I squeeze her hand. She looks over at me and gives me a small smile.

I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. My face tells hers and her shoulders seem to loosen. Just a bit.

"You ready for today? If not, we can postpone it until after this week."

She shakes her head, "No Maxon, I won't get in the way of your career anymore than I have. I'm ready to do this." She reaches over to cup the back of my head. "Because I am with you." She drops a soft kiss onto my lips. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I'll give it to God. He knows what He's doing."

I survey her soft features for a while longer before I nod. "Okay. But if you feel like you can't do this, tell me."

"Okay, but I'm letting you know now that I'm not. I'm in this with you."

"Together, Mi Amor. Always."

I give her a grin as we prepare for the busy day ahead of us.


"That was great, you guys! Congrats! The audience went crazy at the sight of you two." Ian greets us once we go backstage. "Madison, you did amazing!"

A slight blush fills her cheeks. "Thank you but it was all Maxon."

"No, it was both of us." I peek over at her and drop a kiss onto the back of her hand.

"Ah, I see you guys aren't a joke." I glance over my shoulder and see our host, Timothy Lane, walking toward us, his eyes on mine and Madison's hands. "They're couples who always come here and claim they are in love but I don't feel it. With you guys, though, it's so palpable it radiated and filled the entire room."

He shoots Madison a grin and she smiles shyly at him. "The audience loved you both, when can I get you guys to come on again."

"Soon, brother." I tell him and tug on Madison's hand.

Her family and Vanessa will be driving up tomorrow for the game this weekend and I took it upon myself to book a few hotel rooms for all of them.

I want her to spend as much time with her family as possible.

I look down at my beautiful girl. "Ready to go?"

She nods and I can tell she's not trying to look too eager. I chuckle though since no one else seems to notice. "Alright, lead the way."

We say goodbye to both Ian and Timothy and walk over to the SUV waiting for us. There are paparazzi waiting for us but none of us pay them any heed.

We arrive at the hotel and Luke is lying on the bed watching a Thursday night football game.

"Pfff, look at their defense! No wonder they suck. Pay attention to number 10!" He throws his hands up in the air and once the door clicks behind me he is up immediately.

His eyes round as he takes Madison in. "Madi, you look absolutely fantastic!" His lips transform into a smirk. "Mind leaving his ugly ass for me? I promise I will make it worth your while."

She bites down on her lip and I scoff. "That sounds like something a fuckboy would say. Oh! That's right. You are one."

"Look who's fuckin' talking. Sorry, Mad but you know his background."

I grab her waist and pull her to me. "I wasn't as bad as someone I know." I say pointedly. "You know what? Let's not talk about this."

I don't want Madison to get serious about us referring to my past. It's something I'm really not proud of.

"Alright. Anyway, I'm excited to watch the interview. It airs tomorrow right?"

Madison nods as I say, "Yeah."

I peek down at her. "You can change if you like."

"In front of us?" Luke raises his brows and once Madison looks to him he starts wagging his brows up and down at her. My jaw ticks at his flirtatious nature. Thankfully, Madison doesn't pay him much attention. I can tell she's exhausted and just wants to head to bed.

She grabs some clothes and goes into the bathroom to change.

The minute the door clicks behind her Luke is on me. "What's wrong with, Mad? Is everything okay?"

I walk across the room unbuttoning my dress shirt. "Things are fine, Luke. Don't worry."

His brows come together in a frown. "I don't believe you."

The door clicks open and Madison comes out dressed in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. She looks beautiful and I'm left standing here like an idiot.

She takes in my dressing state and her cheeks heat up and her eyes darken with desire.

I feel myself harden.

I want her. So fucking bad.

I wasn't lying when I said we haven't been intimate for three weeks. Well, maybe a bit but I haven't been inside her in almost a month. That's a hell of a while.

She walks up to her bag and tosses in her dress before coming to me and giving me a hug. "What?" She whispers and I kiss her luscious lips, cupping her round ass in my big hands. I give her a squeeze and whisper. "Don't look at me like that. Especially with Luke in the room."

"Don't mind me, I'm not in here as far as both of you know." Luke says and I glance at him to see him rolling his eyes. He raises a brow at me. "Y'all aren't going to get it on in here while I'm in the room right?"

"No!" Madison yells and he gives her a grin. "Because I wouldn't mind the show. Well, as long as I get to join."

"Luke!" Madison says and her face heats up.

"Shut the fuck up, Carter. That's never going to fuckin' happen."

He shrugs. "You're loss."

Madison walks around the bed and gets under the sheets, bringing them up to cover her all the way to her mouth. "I'm heading to bed."

He stares at her with a grin and she throws a pillow at him. "Stop looking at me!"

Luke catches it and she groans.

"Someone's on their period."

I quickly undress and throw on an outfit similar to hers and get in bed beside her. "Turn off the lights will you?"

I hug her to me and she settles into me.

"Y'all are grannies. It's barely eight."

I don't answer anything, instead I spoon my girl.

Luke gives a grunt. "Fine. Let's head to bed."

The lights turn off and Luke mutters, "Good night."

"Good night." Madison and I say in unison.

And for the first time this week, I feel like I'm resting. 


Well, that was it for this chapter. I promise the next one will be much longer. :) 

What did you all think? If enough people comment, I will include a bonus chapter at the end writing how Maxon and Madison's interview went. 

A little segment of sorts. 

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day or night! 

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