Chapter 17 - Maxon

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"Touchdown!!!!" The whistle rings and the men crowd around me. I hear the news anchor explaining the details and going over the play again.

"Yeaahh!" I pump a fist in the air and Luke slaps me on the back before jumping onto my back. "Let's gooo! I knew you wouldn't let me down Blake!"

"The New England Patriots win the game!"

Fans cheer around us but I only hear my teammates. "Fuck yes!" Isaiah smacks me on the back once Luke bounces off high fiving everyone.

As my teammates make their way back to the locker rooms, some of us stay back for post game interviews.

I quickly answer some questions and make my way back.

The minute I cross the doors my teammates are practically praising me and I shake my head and tell them it was teamwork. If it weren't for all of us, we wouldn't have won.

"Stay humble, Blake." The coach comes up behind me and gives me a pat on the shoulder. "It's what makes you one of the most unique players." All the men protest and he tells them to quit their whining. "You're all unique to someone. Especially all those women y'all seem to carry."

He glances at me and gives me a tight grin, the closest thing to a smile considering he doesn't smile that often. I'll take it. "Good job, son. Keep up the great work."

As he walks through the locker room he tells the rest of the guys to not party too hard, "We ain't reached the Super Bowl yet. So you better not pussy out and slack from now on. We still got work to do, y'all got that?"

My teammates nod and then we hear, "We ain't slacking where pussy is involved, coach!" One of the guys calls out and Coach ignores him. Knowing he gets plenty of shit from most of the guys. We all think he secretly likes it.

I head into the showers and quickly dress myself.

I check my phone and see a message from Madison.

Mi Amor: Congrats, Maxon! I didn't really understand what was going on but I knew it was a close one! *Emoji blowing a kiss* I love you, mi amor. I can't wait to see you when you get back.

I text her immediately.

Me: Gracias, Mi Amor. I'll be flying out tomorrow. I love YOU. I send hearts and she replies back with,

Mi Amor: I see someone's embracing the Latinos in Florida. *Heart emoji* Okay, see you tomorrow. I hope you have a safe flight.

Me: You know it. Don't forget to wish me good night.

"Dude, you done texting with your girl yet? Let's go out to a club!" Luke approaches me with a big grin on his face.

I shake my head, "Nah, not in the mood."

"Come on, we haven't gone to one in a while. Besides, the guys want to celebrate with us. Just for tonight."

He juts out his bottom lip in a pleading look and I raise a brow. What the fuck?

"You know that's not going to work on me and stop that shit, it makes you look cringe."

He lets out a belly laugh and slaps my shoulder. "Come on, you're lucky I fell asleep last night."

"Let's go, Blake! I'm sure Madison won't mind." Isaiah approaches us and Luke adds, "She said it was fine yesterday."

They both stare at me, a mixture of amusement and anticipation in their eyes and I sigh giving in.

"Okay, I'll go. But don't expect me to drink."

"No worries, grandpa. We won't drink either. Just have fun."


After driving for about thirty minutes, Luke pulls up at a nightclub and I'm hesitant to go in.

"You got everything?" He asks me and I nod, knowing I only have my phone and wallet.

"Alright, let's go."

We go into the club called Soledad and I glance around, there are young men and women everywhere. They're either dancing or having a drink or both. They all look like they're having fun though.

Luke seems to come alive as he takes in the scenery. I know he loves being around crowds of people. I don't mind but lately I just find this lifestyle boring.

We spot a few of our teammates and they indicate for us to go sit with them. Luke raises a hand pointing over to the bar area and I follow behind. I glance behind me, Isaiah is gone. I look around and find him talking to a pretty dark skinned woman. Seems he found his entertainment for the night.

We continue walking and both women and men take Luke and I in as we walk past them.

"What are you getting, Blake?"

"No thanks, I'm good." I hate drinking during the season, especially after a game.

Luke hails down the bartender and he scurries up immediately. He recognizes both of us and congratulates us on the game. "Thanks, man. Can I get two shots of tequila?"

"Coming right up."

"You're seriously taking two shots?" Luke glances over at me with a big grin. "Nah, one for you and me."

"I told you I wasn't drinking."

The bartender hands us our shots and Luke downs his right away. "You don't have to drink it. It's just so you don't look lonely."

"What do you mean–" Luke sets his shot glass down and is soon swallowed up by the crowd.

"Great," I mutter. I thought he said he wasn't going to drink either. I hear a couple of women whispering and as I peek over at them they start to giggle. I don't bother giving them a grin because I know that will only lead them on and that's not something I want to do.

I leave the bar and walk over to the table to sit with the rest of the guys. They are all nursing beers but I see none of them make a move to drink any.

We talk about football, projects some of the men are working on, and magazines that have asked them to be featured in.

When they ask me if anyone has asked me I nod, "GQ Sports."

"That's great!" One of the defensive lineman, Nick, congratulates me. "They are great to work with. I actually featured my wife there. You can feature Madison if you want."

I grin, that actually sounds like a great idea. I have yet to confirm anything in the media about our relationship but this should be a great way to do it. If she agrees of course.

"That actually doesn't sound bad. I'll let her know." He nods and we continue to speak amongst ourselves. Women approach our table. Some for autographs, pictures or something more. When they glance at me I make no eye contact with them letting them know I'm off limits and they leave or take one of the other guys out to dance with them.

It's later in the night when I feel a woman plop down next to me and when I turn to see who it is, my heart just about stops.

Sitting beside me is my ex, Natasha Garin.


As the writer of this story I DID NOT expect Natasha to make a cameo so soon in this book. I guess drama's in the horizon huh?

I hope you liked this short chapter!

I also made a recent announcement that I will be re-editing Please Believe Me. I would like some advice or feedback on what I could do to make it better. What you liked, didn't like, things like that. It would mean a lot if some of you would comment something. :) It's not necessary but it would help a lot. Thank you and until the next chapter!

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