Chapter 41 - Madison

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Christmas with my family went by too damn fast but I made it back to Boston safely. Apparently, Maxon let everyone know that we would all be making a surprise trip somewhere in a little over a week. Where? He refused to tell us but my siblings were more than ecstatic. They are really looking forward to going on this mini vacation with him.

Now though, I'm not even looking to get up. I've had stomach issues almost my entire life but now they are especially bad. I haven't wanted to get out of bed. The nausea is especially horrible today.

Vanessa knocks on the door to Maxon and I's room and Fluffy comes barrelling in behind her. "Fluffy! You almost tripped me!"

I chuckle. "Fluffy! Come here, boy."
With his tail wagging high in the air he jumps onto the bed beside me.

"He's so cute but he literally thinks everything's a race."

I run my hands down his fur. "Why do you think he got his name?"

She rolls her eyes. "True. But how are you? Feeling okay?"

Vanessa's spending the holidays with Luke and her family and she's been keeping me company until Luke and Maxon return from their game in two days.

"Not really. I feel so nauseous and can't stop throwing up."

"Mad, do you think you're pregnant?"

I bite my lip. After everyone telling me, I'm starting to think I am.

"I don't know but there's a huge possibility."

Her brows raise. "What do you mean huge? Don't tell me Maxon—"

"We haven't been using protection for two months." I confess, feeling my cheeks scorching hot.

Her eyes round and I know she wasn't expecting that, I've always been pretty adamant about that considering I've never been on birth control. "Mad! I see you like it bare!" I blush.

"When's the last time you got your period?" She thankfully changes the topic quickly.

"Two months ago." I say in a small voice and her jaw drops. "And you're just coming to figure this out now?!"
"Well, you know stress affects my period. And I was stressed because of finals and–"

"Say no more. We're taking the pregnancy tests."

I sit up slowly, feeling butterflies thundering in my stomach. "Okay." She hands me the boxes my mom purchased and made me bring with me. "Take them!" She jumps up and down.

I turn back around to face her siting on the bed, "But what if I'm not—"

She gently pushes me into the bathroom. "Just hurry."

"Okay but I already made a doctor's appointment just in case."

I close the door and after I relax enough to pee on both sticks, I set them down on the counter and wait.

Fifteen seconds later. "Well?! Are you done peeing yet! I wanna know!" Vanessa knocks on the door practically kicking it down and I swing it open. "Give me time, jeez. I couldn't pee."

"OMG I'm just so excited!!" She walks into the bathroom and we wait by the vanity. "What if you are?! What if it's a little boy or a little girl! Or both?! They will be so damn cute! My best friend is beautiful. Maxon is hot. OMG. Cute babies!"

I can't help but chuckle nervously. "Calm down, V. I'm already freaking as it is."

We wait another minute and someone is growing impatient.

"Ugh, how much longer?" My best friend whines.

"Two minutes." I look at the box.  "It says three."

"Three minutes too long."

We sit and she asks me what I will do if I am. "Will you tell Maxon?"

"Of course. But even if I am, I'm going to the doctors to confirm."

"Oh Mad, this is so exciting!" She hugs me.

"You mean scary." I say as I let go.

Once the three minutes are up I nervously hand one test to Vanessa. "On the count of three, we both flip it."

She nods.



I suck in a deep breath.

"Mad! You're pregnant!!!"

Holy. Shit. Those moments of denial are staring me right back in the face. There are two pink lines.

Vanessa throws herself at me and squeals. "Oh my God! I'm going to be a Godmother! Someone pop the champagne!"

I sit on a nearby chair, completely in shock. Vanessa shakes me carefully. "Mad! You're going to be a mom!"

I continue staring at the two pink lines.

Tears gathering in my eyes, I admit, "I'm going to be a mom."

So here it is!

What you guys have known or suspected this entire time! Do you think Maxon will be excited? Let me know!

Also, sorry for the short chapters. I'll try to make them longer next time 😊

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