Chapter 43 - Madison

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"The guys should arrive at any moment! Are you excited?!"

"I am." I answer Vanessa who's on the phone with me. I just finished making some lasagna and tacos. I'm nervous but I'm ready. Though my family highly suspects considering my symptoms, the first person other than Vanessa I want to tell is Maxon.

"I'm so excited Madi! I'm going to be an auntie!" I grin. I have two sisters but Vanessa is also considered family. I can't believe it. This baby will be truly loved by everyone. Something my siblings or I never had. But negative thoughts aside...

"You will." I tell her.

"Liam's going to be so mad if it's a girl. That's all he's ever been surrounded by."
I snicker. "Well, I won't know for a few more weeks so we'll see."

Minutes later, we hang up and she wishes me luck though she knows I won't need it. Maxon has made it clear to everyone. He wants babies.

And I can't wait to give him one.


An hour later, Race starts barking.

"Who is it, Fluffy?" I lean down to run my hands through his fur.

He speeds for the door and my heart begins racing. He's here.

I just finished setting everything up. The house is clean, I'm ready, but so nervous. I've never put time into doing anything like this but I want him to know that he's loved and that I've missed him. I've put his past behind because now we have a future that will change our lives forever.

The door opens and I hear him talking to Race who went to go greet him.

"Hey buddy. Missed me?"

He barks and says. "Missed you too."

Race sprints across the hallway until he makes it outside.

Seconds later, Maxon strides into the kitchen wearing his usual airport attire. Sweats and a hoodie with sunglasses covering his eyes.

He looks so sexy.

It reminds me of when we first met.

The beginning of our story.

I walk up to him and hug him to me, loving the scent of him.

"Mi Amor, I've missed you so, so much." I cup his stubbled cheeks and run my lips over his.

I give him a grin and he looks around the kitchen at everything I made. "What's the occasion?"

My smile doesn't falter. "I just really missed you and..." I bite down on my lip. "I have some really big news for you."

"Oh yeah?" His tone remains quiet. Calm. Not the excitement or anticipation I was expecting.
Something's wrong. Did something go down at work? That's when he's typically this quiet.

I cup his cheek and notice he hasn't touched me once. My brows furrow. "Hey, is everything alright?"

He doesn't respond, just continues to stare at me. He pulls his head away from my touch as if he couldn't handle it any longer. Almost as if I burned him.

My soul sinks. He's never pulled away from me. Not once.

In a soft voice he whispers, a dull knife penetrating my skin. "Don't touch me, Madison. Please."

My eyes widen at his words as my stomach tightens to the point of pain.

I have to calm down.

"Maxon...what happened? Did you take a bad hit yesterday?"

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