Chapter 48 - Maxon

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Before we begin this chapter I would like to say a warning: there will be mention of miscarriage.

A week later...

We have made it to the Super Bowl and the worst part of all is that...I don't care. The moment I've been waiting for my entire life, what I strived for as a child, is irrelevant. Nothing has mattered to me ever since I was forced to break up with the love of my life. All because of this bitch next to me.

"You got me VIP seating right?" Natasha skimpers around in front of me as I walk towards the locker room. She's wearing a skin tight dress showing ample cleavage and her curves. Ones that I used to crave to touch and feel but now I can't get far enough away from.

"Mmhm." I grumble, annoyed she's asking for the hundredth fucking time.

"And it has beverage and hor d'oeuvres at the ready?"

I grit my teeth. "Yesss." I hiss.

She smiles her version of sweet. "Great. Thank you my love." She leans up to give me a kiss but I quickly whip my head back.

She pouts but frowns. "Now that's not how a couple is supposed to act like My Love."

"Don't call me that. And I am not your boyfriend." I walk past her and she stops me, digging her sharp nails into my arm. "What did we agree on hmm? You know who's at risk Maxon if you don't obey."

My blood drains of all color. She's got me right where she wants me and she knows it.

She gives me a snake like grin. "That's what I thought. Now, you will allow me to kiss you and when you win, you will take me to bed as soon as we get home. Got it?"

I yank my arm from her clutches. "In that case I'd much rather lose." I've already lost everything, I don't think losing this game will add to that fact. "Fuck. Off. I have enough with the kissing. And that's all you'll fucking get."

She bares her teeth but Luke comes around the corner. He immediately halts as he takes both of us in. "What. The. Actual. FUCK?!"

I take a step away from her but she latches onto me. "Luke! So nice to see you! I was just talking with my boyfriend."

His eyes round.

I haven't told anyone.

Not about how Natasha's been threatening me and those I love.

"What the fuck? What about Madison?"

"Oh! Didn't Maxon tell you? They broke up almost a month ago." She pats my arm and I fight the urge to shove her off.

"He's been keeping our relationship a secret. You know how he is about his privacy."

Luke glares at me and he looks absolutely livid.

"Can we talk, Blake?"

Natasha speaks up before I can answer. "Oh! Yes! Let me just give him a kiss first."

She grabs my cheeks and forcefully smacks her lips onto mine. Running her tongue around the seam of my lips. I groan in frustration but she moans, mistaking it for pleasure.

"That's enough." Luke says and yanks me away.

"Protect him from hits Luke! I want him in perfect condition after the game! I have plans." She winks at me and Luke growls. "No promises."

Once we're inside the locker room he shoves me against the wall. "Explain."

I push him off me. "What do I need to explain? Madison and I aren't together anymore. Isn't that clear enough?"

He punches me.
"Fucking asshole! Has she brainwashed you already? Is that why you're the same ass you were when you were with her."

My jaw stings but I avoid the urge to touch it.

"Answer, Blake! Right the fuck now!"

I close my eyes and for the first time I let out a tad bit of what's been weighing heavily on me. "I can't." I whisper.

Luke is in my face in two seconds. "Now, Blake!"

"I. Can't!" I shout at him.

"Why the fuck not?"

I walk away.

"Don't walk away from me, Blake! Is the bitch threatening you?"

I still and look away.

"Is she?!"


His phone rings and he answers.


I can't make out who he's speaking to but I hear someone screaming.

"Calm down, Ness." Luke's face pales. "Wait–what? What are you talking about?"

"Woah slow down! H-how? When?"

Luke sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Fuck, I'll fly out tomorrow."

His jaw ticks at something Vanessa is saying. "I'm going. I don't care what you–"

Blood completely drains from his face. He meets my gaze and I can't help the frown of worry on my face.

He hangs up, numbness replacing the anger on his face.

"What?" I ask. No matter what, I will always view Vanessa as the little sister I never had so I need to know everything's okay.


"I need to sit down."

He does and he encourages me to do the same.

"Luke? What's wrong with Vanessa?"

He shakes his head. "Vanessa is fine. I–it's Madison."

My body goes ramrod still. "What happened to her? Luke!"

He sits there silently. Running a hand through his hair.

"Luke!" I urge him to hurry, suddenly feeling as if I can't breathe.

"She was in the hospital."

Blood drains entirely from my face. "Luke, is she okay?"

I check my phone not caring about the biggest game of the season. "Answer me!"

He shakes his head again. "Let's play the game then–"


He sighs and tears gather in his eyes.

I stumble back. Luke's never cried in all the years I've known him. Not once so for him to be like this...I know something horrible had to have happened.

The worst comes to mind.
"I'm flying out." I say immediately.

I'm walking, looking for the next flight when Luke whispers the words that make me die inside.

"Madison was pregnant, Maxon."

I almost trip over my own feet.
I couldn't have possibly heard him correctly.

"What?" I walk back to him. "Madison's pregnant? Did I hear you correctly?"

My heart hammers in my chest and then, God. So many things spin through my mind. "No Maxon. She was. She–" tears stream down his face and he wipes them away. "She lost the baby." He croaks out.

And that's when I lose my shit.

Thank you for reading this chapter. Next chapter should be out in a few days. There is maybe one or two left and that will be it for this story. 🙂

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