Chapter 32 - Madison

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The moment we enter the luxurious ballroom I immediately feel uncomfortable. Doctors, celebrities, political figures, athletes, any rich person you can think of really, fills the room. I start to feel tighter in this dress and as if Maxon knew what I was feeling, he leans over and brushes his lips against my ear.

"You look beautiful." He whispers for the hundredth time and I meet his intense green eyes, my mouth slightly parted.

Maxon sure knows how to clean up nicely. The classic suit molds to his perfect athletic frame and hugs him in all the right places. As if to confirm my thoughts, I spot a couple of girls eyeing him over their shoulders. He doesn't even glance in their direction.

"Thank you." I lower my lashes, appreciating him trying to ease my discomfort.

Earlier today, Maxon had yet another surprise for me. He hired Ari as my stylist and this time, he transformed into a whole other woman. So much so I couldn't even believe it was me I was staring at in the mirror. I quickly snapped some pictures of both of us then Ari insisted on snapping one of me. I posed and sent it to Vanessa. She replied right away with a hot damn, someone's getting laid tonight. Hashtag Beauty Bombshell.

That girl, that's usually the first thing on her mind. But the reaction that topped all reactions was Maxon's. The minute he saw me fully dressed he came to a halt and took me all in. His expression darkened with lust and I'm pretty sure if Ari wasn't there, he would've taken me then and there. Like I know he wants to do now, judging by his facial expression.

He maneuvers us out of the way of incoming guests and pulls me to him until my front is molding against his hard frame.

I rest my hands on his defined chest as he leans in to whisper huskily, "When we get home, I'm going to get you naked and fill you up with so much––"

Before he finishes his statement a hand claps him on the back.

"Hey brother, thought you'd never make it."

I turn away from the voice, tucking my face against Maxon's chest.

Jesus, I need a moment to compose myself.

Knowing what Maxon was about to say causes chills to run down my body and heat to pool in my core.

I take a few deep breaths willing my body to calm down then turn to face–
"Holy Shit." Luke's eyes become round as meatballs and his jaw hangs slightly unhinged. "Madison. I almost didn't recognize you. You look–holy fuck–how do you get hotter everytime I see you?"

I offer him a little smile. I bet Ari would be beaming at the praise. Especially since he seems to have a little crush on Luke. I'll have to text him after to tell him, I'm sure he'll be over the moon.

"Fuck," he runs a hand through his sun-kissed hair. "Last chance, Mad. Are you sure you wouldn't rather be with me? Because I'm right here. Patriots' Quarterback baby!"

I let out a soft chuckle. I know he's only joking. He and I both know Vanessa would kill him. That is, if Maxon doesn't first.

"Back off man, she's mine." He growls.

"Isn't that what you used to say about me?" A sultry, slightly accented voice says from somewhere behind me.

Both guys immediately stiffen, bickering coming to an end.

I turn around–not bothering to waste any time to see who would cause such a reaction from both of them–and let in a sharp inhale. Standing behind me is the most gorgeous blonde I've ever seen.

She looks from Maxon to Luke then back again.

No one makes a move to speak and that's when realization smacks me right in the face.

This is Natasha.

Maxon's first love.


Hey, everyone! I know I said until Sunday and I still stand by that buutt, I was feeling very much in the mood to write so I did. 

What do you all think is gonna happen? Let me know! :)

I hope you all have a great rest of your day!

P.s. short but impactful chapter. 

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