Chapter 6 - Madison

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"This course consists of two papers per week. I would also like you to start looking for places within the industry you would like to intern or apply for after college. It will give you a clearer mentality on what you're working towards and give you insight into the workforce." My professor tells me through the online website the district uses. Before I moved here, I looked into community colleges near Maxon's home. He also helped a lot with that and thankfully, my grades and classes prior have been an easy transfer.

"Alright sounds fairly easy." I tell her and she gives me a small smile. "I'm happy you joined our course, Madison. Moving from California to here must be a big move."

"It is for sure but I'm slowly adapting to everything."

She nods, her white teeth gleaming. "Well, just know you have the entire semester to make up assignments but will only receive half credit if something's turned in late. It's not one hundred but it's something. If you're still not satisfied with your grade I have simple assignments you can do for extra credit. And if a situation arises where you can't complete something for whatever reason, let me know and we'll talk okay?"

"Yes, professor. I'll let you know." I give her a friendly grin. "Thank you so much again for letting me into your course."

"It was my pleasure, Madison and remember if you need help with anything let me know. My office hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm."

I nod my head in acknowledgement. "Alright thank you! Have a nice day!"

"You too."

Then the meeting ends and God, I resist the urge to let out a groan. Shit. I'm already a week behind. In all four of my courses. My nerves tingle from anxiety and I tell myself okay, no need to panic. Just a little hard work, something you're not a stranger to.

After calming down a bit I decide to write things down to help ease my growing anxiety. Just as I'm making a list to help keep me organized and stay on track with future assignments my phone rings and I see it's Vanessa. "Hey," I pick up immediately.

"Madi! Hey, how are you girly? I miss you!"

I grin at the sound of her voice, feeling tranquil. "I've missed you too. All of you."

"How have things been over there? Maxon been fucking you hard?"

I blush, recalling what we did the majority of the day yesterday.

"I'm taking your silence as a yes? OMG! That's so hot! A welcome home fuck fest?! I should go there and hopefully Adam greets me the same way when I get back." She lets out a sigh and I chuckle.

Adam and Vanessa have been dating the same amount of time Maxon and I have been together. So far he's stuck around but I can't help but worry for her. After Derek, Vanessa's ex, cheated on her—or so it seems—she wasn't in a good place. She couldn't look at men for months until recently. But she's now happy and I hope it stays that way. No one wants a Derek 2.0 and I fear she won't survive a second infidelity.

"So, besides that, what have you been doing? Make any new friends?"

"Girl, who? I haven't left the house."

"Good," She lets out a breath. "because I was worried you already had a new BFF."

I snort. "No, you're my only best friend. No one else."

She lets out a laugh. "I'm sure Maxon will be happy to know he's number five or six on your list."

I laugh along with her. "He's fine with it, I'm sure. I had actually just finished a meeting with my new professor. She's really nice but the course is a lot. I'm already behind."

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