Chapter 8 - Maxon

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Madison jolts at the sound of my voice, "You scared me." she says with a hand laid over her heart.

I smirk and stalk toward the bed to set our luggage down before heading toward her.

I was on my way up here when I passed my mom in the hall.

With a hand to the arm she had stopped my trek over to my room saying to me, "She's a keeper, hon."

Hearing the approval in my mother's voice nearly brought tears to my eyes.

"I know I just met her," she went on, "but a mother knows. And I'm telling you now, don't let this one get away. Not her. Never her."

She had then bid me goodnight with a kiss on the forehead.

Strolling to my old bedroom with a full grin and light heart, I found Madison studying the picture from when our high school football team won our first state championship in twenty-five years.

Leaning against the doorframe, I took the time to study her, Madison still unaware of my presence.

I can't believe what an amazing woman she is. So beautiful, and kind. Always caring for others instead of herself. It's no surprise my mother liked her instantly. I knew she would. Anyone who speaks to my gorgeous girl can see that she's special and I am so damn glad she is mine.

Blinking the sudden tears in my eyes away, I spoke, breaking the silence.

Now, I reach for the frame, her small hands brushing mine. I point to the trophy.

"That was the first time our school won the state championships in twenty-five years." I relay the memory to her.

"Really?" Madison sounds genuinely surprised by the fact.

"Really. It was a harsh reality. Back in the day our school was known to have the most state championships, then all of a sudden it stopped. Maybe it was a lack of motivation within the player's or leadership with the coaches. Who knows?" I lift a shoulder as Madison listens attentively. "But then our time came." A smile tugs at the corners of my lips. "Our school was a big football school. Still is, actually. My freshman year, our team started stepping up their game. We made it onto the final divisions but it wasn't good enough. So my sophomore year we came back stronger and more determined than ever before." I full on grin now. "As it turns out, it paid off and we won. It was the biggest celebration of the year. The decade. We won State Champions every year after that up until my senior year."

"Wow." Madison sounds in awe as both of us continue to take in the picture. "That's quite the story but...why are you the one kissing the trophy?" She quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Not to brag or anything..." I brush an invisible speck of dust off my shoulder with a grin, "but I made the winning touchdown."

Madison rolls her eyes, not seeming impressed. "Of course you did."

"What? You don't believe me?" I feign hurt, though I know that she's just messing with me. "


"Come here you." I set down the picture frame back on it's spot and tackle Madison back onto the bed.

"Maxon!" She screeches as I lay on top of her.

"What were you saying about me not making that touchdown?" I tickle her stomach.

"Maxon! Stop!" She giggles, wrapping her arms around her torso to keep my hands from reaching her.

"Admit it. You know I made it."

"You did. You did! Now stop, okay? I believe you!"

I lean over to plant a hard kiss onto her laughing lips. "That's what I thought." I nuzzle into her neck.

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