Chapter 24 - Madison

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Two weeks pass by and when I tell you I don't leave the house. I don't leave the house.

I stay in, do my homework, workout, clean, go out into the beautiful garden to read and repeat. Maxon left a few days ago for Colorado since they're playing against the Denver Broncos tomorrow and after that we're set to make an appearance in LA for a talk show.

I was advised to stay in until a bit of the drama calms down and I didn't mind one bit. Although, I am going a bit insane at being in this huge house by myself.

I recall the last conversation with my family and Vanessa. She showed them the recent October issue for GQ Sports where Maxon is featured and they went absolutely insane when they found out I had been a part of something as big as that. They also scolded me for not telling them sooner but I wanted it to be a surprise. They weren't angry saying it was absolutely worth it and Leah even said she would keep that magazine forever.

I let out a chuckle.

God, I miss them. And even though we FaceTime it is not the same. I get up from where I'm reading and decide to head inside to cook.

It is about an hour later when I'm done making the pasta from scratch that my phone rings. I quickly dart across the kitchen and into the living room.

I immediately pick up before it goes to voicemail.

"Hey," I answer, my heart racing from making the run from the kitchen.

There's silence for a few moments before his deep, rich voice greets. "Baby, how are you? I was almost afraid you weren't going to answer. You busy?"

"A bit. Just cooking dinner. For one." I add, heading back into the kitchen.

"I–Mi Amor, I'm sorry. I know–"

"Stop." I cut him off. "I'm just playing around." Kind of. "I know you have football and practice. It's your job. I get it. And all of this...I understand all of it. Trust me."

He hears the softness in my voice and exhales a long sigh. I imagine him running a hand through his short hair, like he usually does when he's feeling hopeless or doesn't know how to go about something. "I hate that you're all the way on the east coast by yourself. I hate that you can't come with me because of school and..." He's quiet for a few moments before whispering, "I hate how you haven't been able to see your family. I know how much they mean to you."

My stomach clenches. This has been the longest I've gone without seeing my family and although it's gotten better since I've moved here, I get lonely since Maxon is the only person I truly know. Thankfully, I'll get to see them this upcoming week. Well, I hope at least.

"I promise, Mi Amor, I'll make all of this up to you."

I decide to shift the conversation to something more light and tell him what I'm cooking. I tell him I just finished making Pasta alfredo–another one of his favorites–and he groans saying I'm tempting him. I grin and ask him how so and the conversation shifts in an entire dirty direction. With everything he tells me I forget I even have a plate full of food because suddenly I'm craving him.
A while later I tell him to stop it in case he's with one of the guys and he chuckles as he continues speaking to me throughout my dinner of one. As usual, he asks me to lock every door and window and to sleep with a knife under my pillow if need be.

Eventually, we part ways since he needs to get sleep for his game tomorrow and I won't hold him back.
"Wish me good night."

"Good night."
"Good night..."

I grin, shaking my head.


"No, the other words."

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