Chapter 14 - Maxon

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"That was a great pass! Try again. A little harder this time." I call out to the boys, glancing at the patio door for the hundredth time.

Where is she?

Madison left with my mom for the store an hour ago. She needed some ingredients and supplies for the barbeque and asked Madison to tag along. I would if I could but seeing as the boys are here...I simply couldn't.

My stomach twists at remembering the look on Madison's face. I'm pretty sure she got the wrong idea in regards to Savannah and I. I know she isn't stupid.

Fuck. I don't know what I'm going to tell her. That Savannah and I are ex-lovers? When we were in high school? I guess that's for the best since it's the truth.

I sigh. This wouldn't be happening if it weren't for Savannah's insensitive comments.

I see movement from the corner of my eye and my heart skips a beat. Is it–?

I deflate when I spot a dark head pop up from the fence. Savannah.

Annoyance flares up in me at the sight of her.

"Hey." She gives me a sheepish grin. "I'm here to pick up my brothers."

"Nooo..." Ty protests.

"Already? Why?!" Matthew.

"It's been an hour already boys."


"We'll come back later for the barbeque." She turns to face me, uncertainty written all over her face. "That's still happening right?"

I nod. My mother apologized for agreeing but she did it for the boy's. I understand her reasoning but that doesn't mean I agree with her decisions.

"We'll come back later." She tells her brother's who stare at each other with conflict. "Then you'll be able to say you had dinner with Maxon Blake."

"Fine..." Matthew hands me the football with resignation but I push it back toward him. "Keep it. It's yours."

"Really?" His eyes become so round I'm afraid they might come out.

"Yes, keep it." I say with a smile. My gaze drags from his to his younger brother's and I find him with a sad expression that tugs at my heartstrings. I reach for another football. "And this is for you." He shyly takes it from my outstretched hand. "Thank you." His eyes catch sight of something behind me then gestures for me to kneel down. I do and he cups his little hand, whispering in my ear. "Your–your pretty girlfriend is here."

I look over my shoulder and indeed, there she is. Setting the groceries on the counter.

Turning back to Ty with a grin I say, "She is pretty, ain't she?"

He gives me a timid nod and I ruffle his hair.

"Okay, let's get going boys. You guy's need to shower."

The boys run over to their older sister, who shoots me an apologetic look. 'I'm sorry' she mouths before heading out with both kids in tow. "Bye!" they shout and I wave back, telling them I'll see them later and letting them know they did a great job.

Catching a whiff of my own scent, I realize I could use a shower myself. Shit. I reek.

Before I got the chance the boys arrived and I didn't want to be rude and make them wait.

With a sigh, I head inside and catch my mother hauling in a big bag of charcoal.

"Let me help you with that." I say as I reach for the enormous bag.

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