Vol. 4: Chapter 5.2 - Deadlock

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Well, I guess that was a fruitful meeting for Horikita.

I'm sure Katsuragi already beat us to the punch with that VIP-trading strategy. However, he knew that none of us would ally with him. After all, they're Class A-- they're at the top. All of us aim to topple them off their throne.

That said, I think Horikita will be able to figure things out in the end.

8:00 PM arrived and it was finally time for our second group discussion.

"Woah... They really did sit in the far corner..." Ichinose smiled bitterly seeing all four Class A students get settled in the back.

"Katsuragi-kun, do you really not want to talk with us?" asked the troubled Kikyou.

"I've already concluded our stance, have I not? And besides, I'm sure there are enough people for you to talk with. That said, thank you for your concern, Kushida." Katsuragi gently replied.

"I think finding the VIP would be hard if you don't join in, though," said Hirata.

"I could also speak for every other group, Katsuragi-kun. Would you please reconsider your strategy? I believe participating in the discussion would help us clear the exam. I'm sure it'll benefit Class A, as well." Ichinose stood up and faced him head-on.

"No matter how many times you try to convince me, I won't change my mind." Her determination was admirable, but Katsuragi only shook his head in response.

Ichinose refrained from replying. She doesn't want to give in, but there were no other options. Well, there is one, but none of us would suggest it apart from him...

"Kukuku, c'mon Ichinose. Why don't you tell him what's up instead of staying silent? I know you're thinking of that strategy. Even Katsuragi would be thoroughly crushed by it," snickered Ryuuen.

"Are you fond of such a strategy, considering that you're Class D?" asked Kanzaki.

"It's the easiest way to siege Class A, isn't it?" he replied with a shrug.

Ichinose sat down with a somber expression after acknowledging Ryuuen's proposal. Kikyou and Hirata did the same. I glanced at Horikita who was beside me. She stayed composed, calmly observing everyone inside the room.

"So, how about it? I'm sure you've arrived at the same conclusion the moment Katsuragi unveiled his strategy. To break his seemingly impenetrable defense, we just need to attack all at once." Ryuuen chuckled seeing our firm faces. "We'll work together. We'll share the names of our VIPs and from there, figure out the pattern to crush Class A."

After Katsuragi declared his plan, it was all too easy for all of us to appraise this option. I'm sure Horikita and Ichinose have already considered it after thinking things through. Katsuragi's plan made us feel cornered, but it also unlocked the possibility of all three classes teaming up against him.

However, looking at Katsuragi now, the man didn't even feel the least perturbed. Ryuuen's suggestion bypasses the school rules and ensures Class A's defeat, but Katsuragi's composure didn't feel fake at all.

"Hmph. Let's entertain that idea for a bit, Ryuuen-kun. Surely, we'll be able to get some results by cooperating. However, if we're talking about benefits, I wouldn't be hasty in working with you in particular," said Horikita.

"The island exam has shown us how easy it was for students from different classes to betray each other. That goes double for someone like you." Kanzaki voiced his agreement.

"Well, we can make a pledge, you know? How about making 'expulsion' the punishment? Would that satisfy you? I'll even make the contract myself," he replied.

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