Chapter 1

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Vivian's pov

Packing up your life is harder than you would think!

"Kelly,I'm going to be fine" I say to my best friend who is holding onto me fore dear life "I wish I could come with you" she says, "I wish so to" she lets go of me and takes a step back, she knows I have to get a fresh start so she doesn't beg me to stay but I can tell she wants me to.

My mum and dad pull me into a hug, whilst my brother stands to the side, he's not very happy about me leaving he says he can't protect me from a million miles away which is a bit dramatic but I get him point.

"I'm going to miss you baby" my dad says "I know, I've got to get going otherwise I'm going to miss my plane" they all nod their heads and as I turn with my suitcases my brother cain pulls me into a hug.

"Call me everyday" he says firmly "ok,I love you" I say "I love you to" I grab my suitcases and walk in.

I don't want to leave them, but I need a fresh start, nothing was going well for me and Oliver was just the tip of the ice burg.

My ex boyfriend, I'm sure a better word for him is demon, he was crazy and I was not one to take his shit, which he didn't like at all, after awhile I broke up with him but he turned violent, ever since he has been sending me flower and all that shit to try and win me back, but no.

My brother and dad beat him up bad, but when he wants something, my god does he see to it that he gets it.

So I decided a fresh start would be nice, and where better, France.

I check all my bags in and just in time, I hear my flight being called. I quickly run over to my gate and get on the plane.

I'm pretty nervous I've only flown a few times before and every time it's been with somebody, I take my seat that is next to the window and a few minutes later a mum and her child sit next to me.

The mother smiles at me and sits at the end of the row and then places her boy in the middle "I'm so sorry I'm sure you didn't want to be sat with a child" she says nervously whilst her leg was shaking up and down.

"I don't mind, love kids" I say giving her a small smile, that was an example of me exaggerating I don't love kids I mean I like them depending on the day but I can tell she has more to worry about and a stranger on a plane isn't one of them.

I put my seat belt on and rest my head.

I feel somebody playing with my fingers, so I open my eyes to see the mother asleep and the child lay on my arm whilst playing with my fingers, I grab my phone and see I've been asleep for an hour which makes me realise we only have 10 ish minutes left.

"Passengers please make sure your sat down with your seat belt on as we are getting ready for landing" I check the child's seat belt is on, and it as so I sit back and wait for us to land.

When we do a few people start to clap and I cringe, why, just why.

I gently shake the mother, her eyes flutter open "we are here" I say to her "thank you" she smiles, she sees her child on my arm.

"Oh I'm sorry" before she could carry on I interrupt her "it's alright, seriously" she nods her head and slowly walks up the kid.

People start to get out of their seats and I follow along, I grab my hand luggage which is only a backpack and make my way of the plane, as quickly as I can I grab my suitcase and jump into a taxi.

I arranged an apartment before hand so I definitely had somewhere. We pull up, I pay the taxi driver and give them a smile, it's a shit hole but I knew that before I got here.

I'm going to try and get a job tomorrow as I only have some money that won't last forever, I've always been interested in modelling and I've done a few job but it's hard to find them, but I'm hoping I will get some look and a big time agency will see me in a shop or something.

I roll my eyes and open the door and roll my suitcases in. It's not to bad I mean there is worse I know that.

I had already order a bed and that to this apartment and got it set up by somebody, which I'm very glad I did as I'm super tired.

I walk into my room and strip down into my underwear, normally I sleep in some sort of pjs but I really can not be arsed going through my suitcase and finding something, I collapse onto the bed.

I pull my phone out send a quick text message to everybody to reassure them I'm alive and ok.

Not long later I start to feel my eyes shut, I'm really hoping this is going to be a good new start.

Beautiful,belovedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz