Chapter 2

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Vivian's pov

I wake up to the stupid fucking sun blinding me as I have no curtains, I grab my phone and see it 7:15am, I groan and bury my head in my pillow.

I lay there for 5 minutes before I decided I have lots of things I need to do today and lying in bed isn't one of them.

I reluctantly pull myself out of bed and open up my suit cases, I can't do anything without them unpacked so I start with them.

About 20 minutes later I start to hear my phone ring, I look down and see it's jelly
"Hey" I say
"Hey, I miss you already" she says
"Once your study's are done your welcome to come and love with me"
"I know I know, what are you up to today" she questions
"Unpacking, food shopping, apartment shopping,job hunting"
"Wow sounds super fun" she says sarcastically, I've never meet anybody more sarcastic in my life!

"Make sure you go out and do something fun" she adds on
"Like what"
"I don't know a cute cafe then find yourself a sexy man" I roll my eyes as I know she's not even joking.
"Don't roll your eyes" she says
"What how" I question
"Well v I know you very well" she laughs
"Well alright,I've got to get going but I'll speak to you later I love you"
"Love you"

I end the phone and take my stuff to the bathroom,I jump into the shower and just take a second to think, I know nothing about France if I'm being real, all I know is there is an Eiffel Tower and some basic french.

I jump out and grab my tooth brush, I guess I'll learn.

I pick out blue over sized jeans a small white tube top with thin straps and some Jordan's. I look outside and see it looks a little bit cold so I grab and over sized racer jacket and get ready to leave. Finally Half an hour later I'm all dressed and ready to go.

I lock the door and make my way out of the apartment, I want to look around some vintage shops for some bits and bobs from my apartment, after a while of walking around I find this small shop sandwich between to bigger ones so I cross over the road and enter.

As soon as I enter an old woman pops her head around the corner "bonjour" she says "bonjour" , she smiles "what can I do for you lovely" she says, I didn't think she would know English.

"I've just moved here and I want to get a few things for my apartment" she smiles, "so you don't have a car" I nod as conformation "ok,well we can get you some small things so you can carry it back"

She shows me around the shop and I pick out a few lampshades,a side table and a few more decorations "would you like to pick them up later or take them now" , well I need to do a few more thing.

"I'll pick them up later if that's ok" she smiles and puts them behind the counter.

"I'll see you later" she smiles and I walk out, and decide to try and find a job, I try a clothing shop but the people was very rude and didn't seem to like me much, so I quickly moved on from there.

After looking around I see a small cafe across the road,so I quickly run over there as soon as I open the door the smell of warm pastries and coffee.

I walk up to the counter "please can I have tea" the lady smiles at me "and also by any chance do you have any job openings" she smiles again "oh yeah,you have great timing" she passes me a sheet of paper, "can I have your name please", " Vivian"

"Fill that in whilst I make your tea" I smile and go and sit down, I quickly run my eyes over the form and start to fill it out.

"Vivian" I hear her shout, I finish of signing the paper and get up, I take the tea out of her hand and hand her the form.

"The couple who owns this coffee shop are really nice I'm sure they will give you a job" she put the form on a shelf "somebody will ring you tomorrow and let you know or maybe tonight"

"Thank you" I smile and take a sip of my drink and walk out of the coffee shop, whilst in thought I bump into somebody, I start to fall but I quickly I am pulled into somebody chest.

Which I'm surprised about because I though I bumped into a wall, "oh my god I'm so sorry" I say to the man who has me in his arms and tea down his white shirt, he chuckles "it's ok belle" (beautiful) I suddenly realise that two men dressed in black with are a few steps behind him looking like they're about to pounce on me.

I walk out of his arms "my names not belle" I say, now he lets out a full laugh "what's your name" he questions "Vivian" he smiles "milo"

"Well nice to meet you milo,can I pay to get your shirt cleaned" he shakes his head no "that's ok,maybe I could get your number" he says with a big smile "well why would I do that" I question, I mean he is drop dead gorgeous and I wouldn't mind getting his number.

"Well erm because I would like to take you out" now it's my time to laugh "I mean sure" he flashes a smile at me again he takes my phone and puts in his number "sir" one of the men say behind him, he lifts up his hand as to signal it's ok.

He texts a hi to himself so he definitely has my number, "Well it was nice to meet you" I say whilst taking the phone from his hand.

Well I didn't expect that to happen today.

Authors note

Thank you for everybody who is reading, how are we liking beautiful,beloved? ❤️

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