Chapter 19

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Milos pov

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, I look down to see Vivian lay on my chest so I slowly lean over and grab my done. 'Dad' it says on the screen.

"Hello" I whisper
"Er son why are you whispering" he questions me
"Because Vivian is asleep and it's early"
"Ok,well I'm sorry to cut you trip short but we need you back,so,etching has got out in the press and your mother feeling under the weather and won't stop worrying about you"

"Really dad, What is it" I question
"I would prefer to show you, the private jet will be ready in a hour and for now please stay under the radar" he says
"Erm ok, I'll see you soon" I say sounding confused

"Milo" I head Vivian say to me in her morning voice "good morning baby" I kiss her temple "bad news" I say and she sits up "what" she questions "I've got to go back today, like in 40 minutes" she frowns "why" she questions "I don't know but my dad needs me"

"Ok,I was thinking about coming back a few days early so I could get back to my job,so I'll see you soon" she says, I look at her dressed in my t-shirt, "I'm going to get a shower, are you going to join me" I question her "yeah"

20 minutes later we are done out of the shower and our teeth are brushed, "here" I say passing her some joggers and another one of my t-shirts, I quickly get dressed.

"I'll drop you of on the way back,does kelly need dropping of" I question making sure all of my things are in my bag, "no I just texted her and August is going to take her home" she says with a smile as she ties the joggers so they don't fall off her.

I pull her to me and kiss her "how long are you staying" I question not wanting her to be away from me for long "I'll stay three more days and then I'll be home" I kiss her again, "ok I need to get going so let's go" I grab my bags and hotel key.

I walk up to the front desk with my hands interlocked with Vivian's, I just put the key card down and the man at the desk nods his head as I've already payed and he probably knows who I am.

I quickly jump into the car that had been sent with my driver, "will you please take me to Vivian's first" I say to him, and give him the address.

A few minutes later we are arriving at Vivian's house p, I pull her in for a kiss, "text me when you get back safe" she says to me, "I will,I'll have to jet ready for when you are coming home" I say with a smile, she nods her head and I kiss her again.

"Goodbye baby" I say she kisses my cheek and jump out of the car. "To the airport" I say to my driver.

I get on the quick flight back over to France and just spend my hole time napping, as the plane lands security is on the plane. "Why are you here" I question "just follow me your highness" as I walk over the jet 3 other men come to my side, and as they do I see paparazzi further away.

The usher me into the car "can somebody please explain what is going on!" I question in a frustrated tone, I hear the paparazzi shouting as we speak past them, "I'm sure king and queen would like to talk to you" I roll my eyes and just sit back.

We get to the castle fast and as soon as we are there I am ushered to to where my fathers office is, when I walk in I see my father behind his desk and my mother sat on the couch. "My baby" she shout and comes over to me "are you ok mum" I question "just the flu' I nod my head.

When I walk over to my dads desk I see a newspaper lay on it 'est-ce notre future reine, ou juste une aventure d'un soir' (is this our future queen, or just a one night stand?) it says in bold writing on the front page, paired with five different pictures of me and Vivian dancing,kissing and talking.

"Shit" I say "shit indeed" my father says to me "this isn't being careful is it milo" he says in a stern voice "albert" I hear my mother say, he takes a deep breath, "you know that is it now milo, she is with you for life" he states the obvious.

"I want to be with her for life anyway" my mother stand up and hugs me, I kiss the top of her head and she sits back down, I know that was her way of supporting me.

"Right well I will have a set up done for in four day" my dad says, a set up is basically a introduction, right outside the castle basically all of France will be and me,Vivian and my mother plus father will walk around and maybe interact with some people, just so they can see her in action and meet her.

"That quick, I need to speak to Vivian" I say "well get her flown out" he stand up "don't try and fucking intimidate me" I say and he steps closer to me "I'm not doing that milo but you don't get to just speak to Vivian" he says quoting what he said "and see what she thinks because it doesn't matter anymore she has to do it,you shouldn't of gone out if you didn't want that risk"

I look over to my mother "I'm sorry baby but have got to admit he is speaking with some truth" I run my hand down my face, "She coming back soon, and then we will do it"

I walk out of his office, for fuck sake!

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