Chapter 7

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Vivian's pov

"yeah and then that guy you know the snotty one punched him in the face" my best friend Kelly says, filling me in on what's happening at home "well he will have to" just as i was about to finish my sentence somebody knocks on my door.

"hold up kelly" when i open the door a tall man is stood there "how can i help you" i question him as i start to get uncomfortable. "are you Vivian James" , "its a delivery" he adds on "yeah that's me but i haven't ordered anything"

he pulls a massive box from around the corner, "yeah i know its a gift, just sign here please" i take the paper out of his hands and sign my signature.

i pull the box into my apartment and open it, and when i do i see its a massive bouquet of blush coloured and white flowers, and they are beautiful!

"erm hello" i hear coming from my phone "yeah im still here" i say "what just happen" she questions "i just got a massive bunch of flowers delivered to my door", "lucky you,are they from lover boy" she asks whilst laughing. "give me a second" i put her on speaker and look around for a card in it.

after a second, i pull out a black card 'can i see you tonight?-milo' this sets me out in bursting laughter "what" kelly asks surpised at me laughing.

"can i see you tonight, that's what it says" now she laughs "i can never say ive been asked to hag out with a bunch of flowers, is that code for can we have sex? i say hes a keeper" , i rol my eyes "not everything is about sex kelly"

i go onto milos contact and onto our texts 'you know if you want to hang out, you can just ask' i text him, "have you told your family yet" she questions "absolutely not,we have been on two dates"

"right, well i wish you well with lover boy but I've got to get going i love you" Kelly says "love you" she ends the phone just ask milo texts me back 'i did ask you, just with a bunch of flowers as well, and well?'

'they are very nice thank you, and yes we can hang out, are you coming here' if he is i need to clean up asap, it looks like a bomb has gone of! 'yeah if that's ok'

'yep', 'ok well ill be there in an hour, ill bring food' i send him a thumbs up and start to get to work on cleaning the apartment, 'and also, no need to get dressed and freshen up as you call it i like you anyway' i laugh at his message, the other day when he came over i got dressed and everything and he was confused as to why i felt like i needed to do that.

with my ex it was either look good or don't show your face to him at all.

i finish cleaning up my apartment, i slap on some deodorant , just as i hear a knock on the door "one minute" i shout, i swing open the door to see milo stud there just as i expected, "hello belle' i stand to the side to let him in, and as i do i see to men in black stood near the stairs, now that isn't right.

i close the door "im glad to see they got them right", "they are beautiful, thank you" he smiles "beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman" i laugh.

"what have you got" i question him, he pulls out burgers and chips from the bag, "i would say i hope you like, but i know you do you told me", i kiss him on the lips "thanks"

"so what are your plans for the week" he questions me, "I've got a shift a the café every day  but Thursday and i was hoping to see you at some point, what about you"

"ive got a few business things i need to attend to, and i was also planning on seeing you a lot" i laugh "well would you look at that"

he pulls me out of my chair and onto his lap, and he starts to kiss down my neck "so Mrs young i guess we will be seeing each other" he say, i start to laugh until i realise what he just said, "that's not my name" i say cross my arms, "well it will be one day better get used to hearing it"

"smooth" i say, "why don't we go and watch a film" milo suggest "sure", i chuck on a random film and i lie down on milos chest, he runs his hands up and down my back. he grabs his coke of the side and takes a drink, "shit" he says.

i look up and see he has spilt it down himself, "how the fuck have you manged that" i say trying not to laugh at him , "i was lay down" i pass hi  a towel, "do you mind if i grab a quick shower" he question, "no go for it" he quickly jumps up and goes to the bathroom, i wouldnt want stick fizzy pop all down me either.

i sit there and carry on watching the film but a few minutes later i start to get a face time call of my dad, i look to the bathroom door to check milos still in the shower, i still hear running water so that's a give away.

"hey dad" i say smiling when I see his face
"hello, how are you, i miss you" he says with worry evident in his voice                                 "im good dad, really good how are you ,going easy on work" my dad works really hard and it can be worrying.

"im doing my best" just as he was about to expand i hear milo shout "Vivian, can i use his green this" he question, the green thing is a moisturising body wash, "yeah" i shout back.

my dad looks at me confused "who's that" he says with his protective side coming out "just a friend" i wince, im not sure what to introduce him as, he's not my boyfriend.

"and what's his name" he question "no absolutely not dad" i know what he wants his name for, my dads a detective and all he's going to do is  a background check on him instead of get to know him like a normal person.

"oh come on v im sure he's got nothing to hide, your in a foreign country let me just check" he says, i roll my eyes "milo young" i say, theres no point arguing it he will just find out anyway.

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