Chapter 21

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Vivian's pov

I'm currently sat in a room at the Castle getting dressed into a dress, milos father was going to get people to do my hair and makeup, but I do not for one second trust him to get people who can work with black hair and use the right makeup on me.

I hear a knock on the door "come in" I see milos mother pop her head in, and she gives me a soft smile "I'm just coming to apologise Vivian,I was feeling ill and I know it's no excuse but I could not be arsed with dealing with alberts shit, but don't worry I dealt with him after"

She clears her throat "I don't expect you to forgive me any time soon but I will be here for when he do" she gives me a small smile and goes to go out of the room "wait, can you please come in" I say to her, she quickly turns around shuts the door and walks up to me "I'm not angry at you,don't worry" she lets out a sigh of relief "thank you"

"You look beautiful by the way" I look down okay my outfit "thank you" I'm dressed in a white Flowy dress that is decorated with lavender and baby blue flowers, I've paired this with some white heals. I hear a knock on the door and turn around to see milo, he's dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and tie.he looks very smart.

"Can I just have a minute with Vivian alone please mother" he questions stepping into the room, she nods her head and gives me a sweet smile on her way out she says something quick to milo then shuts the door.

"You look beautiful"he says, I internally roll my eyes "Yes I know, thank you" he walks closer to me "Vivian, I'm sorry I really am, what I didn't not sticking up for you wasn't acceptable and I know it made you uncomfortable,I've spoke with my father and I won't again until he sincerely apologise to you unless we are in public"

"Whatever milo" he lets out a breath of frustration "baby,please I know it will take a bit for you to be happy with me again but I'm trying, no matter what I did he would of said shitty stuff to you and I at least wanted to be there" he places his hand on my waist "it really hurt you letting your father speak to me like that"

He pulls me closer and rest his forehead on mine "I know baby,I know, and I'm going to make it up to you" he says with a smile "you better" he places a kiss on my lips.

"I will completely forgot about it for this event but then it's back to you making up for it, ok" I say sternly "ok baby of course" he kisses me once again and links are finger "are you ready" he question "yeah"

He leads me down the stairs were his father and mother are stood "are we ready" his father questions, I can hear all the people outside and it starts to make me feel nervous "You are ok baby, I'm here" he lets go out my hand and wraps a hand around my waist.

"Let's go" milo says, a guard opens the door and milos mother and father walk out first with a big smile on their faces, immediately the starts walking around and going over to people to interact. "Ready" milo questions "ready" I say in reassurance.

We walk out of the castle door and every starts shouting louder, milo smile and do a shy one. We make our way closer to people and immediately people start shouting questions at me like who am I, where am I from, I had some positive comment and some negative but to be honest it didn't upset me at all.

As milo is speaking to somebody with me at his side his father walks up to him and whispers in his ear, they go back and forwards and it starts to get tense, milo pulls me further away from the crowd "fuck of father" I'm very confused, "what is going on" I question "I need milo for 5 minutes to leave your side but he won't" his father moans like a little baby.

"Milo don't worry about it" he shakes his head "no because he just wants to try and make you feel uncomfortable" milo gives his father a death stare "milo, go with him maybe I will prove him wrong" he looks down at me and goes to detest but I give him a stern look, "ok but I will be 5 minutes" he leans down and pecks me on the lips and I nod my head.

He walks of in a mood with his dad, I walk back over to the crowd and start talking to them, after a while I move along and head a baby crying and I walk straight to it, what I see makes my heart hurt, I see a worn out mother trying to calm down her baby and the people are her being nasty about it so I immediately go over to her "shut the fucking thing up" I hear somebody say.

"Shame on you, that is a child I would not think if you would see somebody struggling you would shame them!" I shake my head at him and he freezes "are you ok sweetheart" I question her and she looks shocked "I Erm I'm so sorry about the baby princess Vivian, I can leave if you need" she says in a panic, princess Vivian that sounds so fucking weird.

"Oh no sweetheart don't worry about it babies cry all of the time" through this time the baby carries in screaming, "I hope I'm not over stepping, let me know if I am, but would you like it if I held them for a moment" the mother lets out a sigh of relief "you can do" I slowly take the baby from her hands and Rock it.

"Oh my gosh they are so cute" I say looking down at the babies face, I carry in rocking them. I'm getting baby fever.

The baby lets out a yawn "aww" I say and the mother giggles, I turn to the guard "excuse me" he quickly turns to me "would you mind getting milo please" he quickly nods his head and 30 seconds later milo is at my side.

"Are you ok" he questions in a panic, I answer back completely ignoring his question "look at the baby milo aren't they so cute" he looks at the baby from over my shoulder "where have you got a child from " he says in laughter, I motion to the mother who looks a lot more relaxed from a few minutes ago.

"I want one baby" I say to milo, he laughs "one day" I shake my head, I look down at the baby and pull a funny face, then the they start to giggle "oh my" I pout at the babies cuteness, I look up to milo who has a look of love in his eyes.

"So cute" I say "are you going to go back to your mummy" I say in my baby voice, I look to the woman "thank you so much" she says with a smile as I hand her her baby back "don't worry about it I love children and baby's" I then turn to the man stood next to her "and you, you leave that poor woman alone you get me, I may be in a dress and heal but I will knock your arse out if you disrespect her again got it?" I say seriously he quickly nods his head.

"Keep and eye on him" I say to the guard.

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