Chapter 5

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Vivian's pov

I've been texting milo for the past week and I've realised a few thing. one he's a gentlemen, always checking I'm ok, two his replies are either extremely fast or slow as fuck , and for three he loves to know things about me, its sweet but i just wish he would open up to me about himself more.

ive just got back an hour ago from my shift at that coffee shop i got an interview and got offered the job straight away which was very lucky.

we have are date in a few hours and I'm hoping i will be able to get something out of him then.

im currently stood in front of my wardrobe struggling on what to pick out, 'what should i wear' i send a quick text to milo hoping he replys back quick and today isnt a slow day. a few seconds later my phone pings, 'well its hot outside, so whatever you would wear if you was going outside:)'

i chuck my phone onto my bed and start to search, i pull out a pair of black denim shorts and white button up shirt, i quickly get changed into them.

right now how the fuck should i style this, i decide to pair the shorts with a black Gucci belt which has gold at the front, i un button the white shirt down until it reaches the middle of my boobs and i put a black bralette on underneath.

i put on layered gold neckless and some plain white air forces, i look down at my phone and see a text from Kelly, i quickly send her a pic of my outfit and throw on an oversised jacket, 'smoking hot as usual, make sure you use protection, or not i wouldn't mind being an auntie'

i ignore her text and quickly run out of my apartment, i said milo could pick me up but I'm not stupid, i don't know him and im in a foreign country and im not going to tell a man where i live.

i take a 15 minute walk and wait outside on a park bench, and at exactly 6:30 i see a posh looking car pull up in front of me.

just as i was about to get up, i see milo getting out of the drivers seat and walking over to me "well hello belle" he says, i googled what that meant the other day when he called it me in a text again and it means beautiful, which i don't mind him calling me.

"you know you didn't have to get out of the car i would of just come to you" i say with a laugh, "well, i wanted to great you" he says whilst opening my car door, i climb in and he runs to his side.

"Where are we going" I question him as he starts to drive of "it's a surprises" , "please can you tell me" I ask, he smiles as if he's about to give in, that was fast.

"No" he laughs once's he sees my shocked face "what why" I question "because I want to surprise you"

"Your really starting to sound like a serial killer you know" he rolls his eyes "I can promise I'm not a serial killer" I'm sure that's what every serial killer says I think to myself. After 10 minutes of driving In comfortable I decide to start up a conversation.

"Isn't this illegal" he turns his head to me "What is illegal" he questions "having the car windows so blacked out, so nobody can see in" he hums "well I've never been pulled over, so I guessing not"

I can tell he's not telling me the full truth, but I decided to drop it.

"We are here" he says whilst pulling up to a massive field of white, red and yellow roses "wow, this is beautiful" I say whilst stepping out of the car, he grabs a basket out of the car boot and walks over to me.

"Can I hold your hand" he questions, I don't think I've ever had a man ask me if they can hold my hand before, "yeah" he interlocks our fingers and pulls me into the field.

As we walk further into the field I see a white background and a projector "What's this" I question, I obviously know it's there to play a film but I want him to tell me that he did it.

"Well, I decided we can watch a film as well if you would like" I smile at him "this is a lot for a first date"

"Well I wouldn't want this to be our last" I laugh "as long as we get on, it won't be" he smiles and leads me to the blanket that is on the floor.

"ok, so I've got some pastries, fruit and spaghetti and meatballs" he says whilst pulling them out of the basket, as soon as he pulls it out them smell of the spaghetti hits me, and it smells amazing!

"this looks amazing, did you cook it" i question him, "well i started it, but my mother came into the kitchen and started to obsess over everything i was doing, so i gave up and just let her do it" i laugh "well at least you tried"

we decide on watching step up, i picked it for channing Tatum but milo doesn't know that. "so tell me about yourself milo" he looks at me "well im 24 erm," he pauses as he doesn't know what else to tell me.

"come on, what about family, work" i question "im an only sibling, dads called albert, we don't really get along much and my mother is called jade, i also have a best friend called august, hes like a brother to me and work erm well, i work in the family business and ill take over from my mother when she steps down."

i nod my head at him, "what about you" he questions "im 21 born in the uk my dads called Marcus mums called tilly, my brothers called Cain and he is like my biggest protector and friend, then we have my best friend kelly"

"and when did you move to France" he questions as he starts to twirl a piece of my hair around his finger "literally the day before we bumped into each other" he laughs "wow so not long" , "no not long as at all".

he looks into my eyes, then places a hand on my cheek, we booth lean in and start to kiss each other, he pulls me into his lap as he lifts his t-shirt over his head.

he quickly unbuttons my shirt "is this ok" he questions, i nod my head and go back to kissing him, but he stops me, "what" i question "i need you words Vivian, so ill ask again is this ok"

"yes, its ok" he quickly flips me over so I'm lay on my back, and he starts to kiss me again.

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