Chapter 30

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Vivian's pov

My pregnancy belly has become noticeable when I'm wearing tighter clothing, milo loves it, he loves touching my stomach and being able to see the way my body is changing for this soon to be baby.

"Vivian" i turn around to face milo "hi baby" i smile at him, he takes a step back "wow" he looks down at my stomach "the dress really shows my stomach doesn't it"  i say to him "it does, you look amazing" he pulls me into a kiss "I'm going to change into something more loose" he nods his head and i quickly change into a a long but flowy skirt ,a a pair of low heals and a shirt.

"i want to announce it soon to the public" milo interlocks our hands and leads me out of our room "you sure" he questions "yeah, its hard to hide" he smiles at me, "ok baby, i will get it sorted for us to do next week"

"ok" we approach the guards "we are ready" he says to the guard, the guards open the castle doors and we walk out.

I tighten my grip on milo "it's ok, your ok, we just need to speak to a few people and then we can go ok" I nod my head and he gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Vivian, Vivian can we get you to answer" i hear somebody shout and ask me, "are you ok to be on your own for a bit, i need to do an interview if not i can leave it" milo questions me. "yeah ill be fine don't worry" he looks at me as if he isn't certain I'm being truthful, "milo go, i promise i will be fine" he kisses me "ok, you shout me if you need me" i nod my head and walk of.

i start speaking to some people who are interested in speaking to me "Vivian, I'm here with the French newspaper and i was wondering if it would be ok to ask you a few questions" the man who is stood with cameras ask me, and since he asked me so nicely i decide it wont be any trouble.

"yeah of course" he gives me a big smile, "thank you so much, this is my first story I'm covering and its a great honour to be speaking to you" i smile at him "well, well done for getting the job and I'm privileged to be your first" he nods and smiles.

"so Vivian, how is it settling into royal life" he questions "pretty well, i have milo by my side and he is just amazing and so supportive" he smiles "milo is to take over the throne in a few months time, are you planning to take that with him" this question makes me freeze and panic a bit.

"we will have to see, i will be doing at one point, whether that be when he does or a little later isn't known yet" he smiles "and one last question, when do you think we will be seeing our next heir to throne" for one i don't like how he said our yes i understand he means who is going to have power over France but the only 'our' that has to do with my future children is me and milo, and second what a weird question, he's basically asking me if me and milo are having sex.

i let out a breathily laugh "we will have to see" he nods his head "well thank you for your time" i give him a polite smile "and thank you for yours" i walk of to find milo.

"hey" i say as i approach milo, he turns around to face me "are you ok" he questions "yeah, my feet are killing" he wraps his arm and my waist "i know baby, we can go in a minute let me just finish this up and we can go" i nod my head and he kisses my cheek.

whilst I'm waiting for milo i decided to look at all the faces in the crowd, i love people watching, honestly its a great hobby of mine.

whilst im looking i see a small child crying at the gates, i immediately rush of over "hey sweetheart, can i pick you up to get you out" she nods her head and i lift her up, she immediately holds me closer, i rock her back and forward.

the little girl looks exhausted and malnourished, "hey, who is supposed to be looking after you" i question her as i walk further away from the crowds, "mummy" she whispers "and where is mummy" i question, "she's at home with baby brother and sister"

i run my hands through her hair "so why are you here darling" she lifts her head of my shoulder "you might shout" she says shyly "its ok darling, i wont" she looks at me reluctantly "we have no food left so i came to steal some bread but i got caught in the crowds" i feel my heart break at this.

"oh baby, I'm going to help you out ok" she gives me a small smile "Vivian" i hear behind me, i turn around and the little girl quickly tucks her head into my shoulder "milo" he walks closer and the little girl grips me even tighter "its ok, this is my boyfriend milo" she giggles at this "boyfriend" she whispers and i nod my head.

"ok, so this is my plan, we are going to go and see mummy and then we are going to help ok" a small tear falls from the girl "really" she says in disbelief "yep, milo will you ask for a driver please" he nods his head and pulls out his phone.

im going to help this girl!

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