Chapter 37

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Vivian pov

"Kelly seriously shut up" I say with laughter whilst my face is stuffed with pastries "what I'm being serious there is no better boy band than one direction" she says "and I'm not disagreeing, so why are u arguing it with me" she looks at me confused before bursting out laugh "what the fuck"

"Hey, I apologise but normally I have to argue my case" I look at her confused "kelly we have listen to 1D together for like 8 years why would you think I would think different" and I thought I was the one with my hormones everywhere, I'm glad the baby is due very soon, because my bump is just to big.

"Yeah I know, I just forgot where I was for a minute" we look at each other before pissing ourself with laughter. "Your honestly nutters"

"How is my niece or nephew doing" she questions "there doing good, be so ready to come and meet you" she moves a bit closer to my bump "and I'm so ready to meet you" she says in that specific voice people do to babies.

At this they start to kick, "fucking hell" I wince, I grab her hand and place it down on my stomach so she can feel "that's cool" I wince once more and decide to try and walk it of, but as soon as I stand up I feel water drip down my leg.

I look down to the pool of water on the floor that is getting bigger by the second "Erm kelly" I say, she looks at me confused as she still hasn't noticed the water on the floor "I think, I think my water just broke" she jumps up and starts to panic.

"Oh shit, what do I do" she says in a panicked state "call milo now" she grabs my phone and calls milo, I don't really focus on what she is saying as I wobble to the room next door and grab the baby and mines bag that we packed for the hospital.

Milo got a private wing ready for the birth and the best doctors and midwife to be on stand by ready for the baby when it decides to make and appearance.

"Vivian" I tune around and see kelly stood there wide eyed "what are you doing, are you not in pain" she questions, I wobble over to her and back into my bedroom, "the pain doesn't start right away, I bet I'm barley dilated" Quickly as I can I change over my pants "milo said he's going to the hospital now" I nod my head.

Kelly comes over to me and grabs the bags, she takes a hold of my hand and helps me down the stairs, when we get outside the driver is already waiting for us with the door open, I'm guessing milo told him.

We both get in, when I sit down I start to feel the pain, nothing excruciating yet.

"How are you feeling" kelly questions me "well my cervix is getting ready for a baby to pop out, so not very good" very quickly we are at the hospital, as soon as the car pulls up nurses are outside with a wheelchair waiting for me.

I'm quickly ushered to sit down and roll in, when we make it up to the private wing I see milo pacing back and forward looking worried "milo" his head quickly whips to mine "Vivian" he rushes over to me "how are you" I'm rolled into my room and helped onto a bed "fine"

I'm given a gown of the nurse to change into, I quickly change into the gown and the nurse checks my dilation "ok, it seems your dilating quickly, your currently at 6cm, would you like gas and air" she question, I quickly agree as I start to feel the pain.

"I will keep on checking up on you until you are 10cm" she gives me a polite smile before leaving the room, milo sits on the edge of the bed and brushed my hair out of my face.

I take a breath of the gas before turning my head to milo, "please can you ring or message my dad and brother" he instantly agrees and pulls out his phone "I'll have them on a plane here immediately" he says then he kisses my forehead.

"Thank you" a tear slips out of my eye and milo wipes it for me "Your so strong baby, I'm going to be with you ever step of the way" I nod my head and turn my head "where the fuck has Kelly gone" I say in a distressed voice.

But I don't have to wonder long as kelly comes bursting through the door with the bags and food "ok here are the bags, and some of your favourite foods" I chuckle "thank you" she kisses my forehead, "ok, I'm going to wait outside so you don't feel to overwhelmed, shout me if you need me" I nod my head.

We are waiting another hour before I am 10cm, which I know is super fast but it felt like forever "are you ready baby" milo questions me "well it doesn't fucking matter if I am or not, it's gonna come out either way" he ignored how rude I am and just hold my hand.

"Ok, we are going to need you to start pushing" I groan "you can do this baby, your so strong" I start to push whilst gripping into milos hand for dear life "oh my, this fucking hurts" I shout.

Milo rubs his thumb on my hand as a small sigh of support "ok,Vivian we need you to keep on pushing" I start to cry even more, I take a deep breath before pushing even hard, the doctors give me words of encouragement.

"Ok Vivian give me one more push" I push hard before hearing the cry of a baby "and it's a girl" milo looks at me and smiles, our baby is placed on my chest "what would you like to call her" the doctor questions. Me and milo both look at each other.

"Aurora James-young"

Authors note

And that is it.

I'm so proud of this book and so happy how it came along, and thank you all for reading❤️

I'm thinking of doing a book for aurora, would you guys like that?

I will also be realising eulogy so don't worry there is still a little more to come❤️

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