Chapter 16

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Milos pov

I arrive in England three days after Vivian left, and I've missed her a lot so i quickly get into my car, i tell the driver my hotel and he sets off.

I've got to be careful, as I'm pretty sure the press knows I'm here, and i wouldn't want them finding out Vivian's parents address. not long later we arrive at the hotel, i quickly grab my two bags and walk into the hotel.

for some reason unknown to me out of all the royal family's my family seems to get the most attention, and even in other countries 7 out of the 10 times i go out somebody seems to pick up on it.

when i arrive at the front desk the woman sat there pushes her boobs up and gasps "prince milo, i will get you key right now" she bends down and grabs a key, it seems a bit worrying to me that she automatically assumes i have a room here and that it is the best one. "if you need anything you can come and personally get me" she says emphasising of the anything .

i give her a small nod and quickly walk over to the stairs, when i get into my room i chuck my bags to the side and pull out my phone.

'didn't die" i send the text to Vivian and instantly get a reply, 'well that's good, you good enough to come to dinner tonight or are you jet lagged' she questions 'I'm good, I'm going to have a nap though, what time am i expected to come at'

'6:00' she replies instantly 'ill be there'

i put my phone down and strip down to my boxer, i set a timer so i wake up with enough time, and then i quickly fall asleep.

2 hours later I'm waking up to my alarm going of, i have 2 hours to spare so i get up and take a quick shower, when i get out i pick out a black pants, a belt, a black t-shirt and a silver chain, i pair that with some ring and get ready to leave.

i need to go to the florist to pick up some flowers that i had ordered one for v and the other for her mother. i send a quick text to my driver telling him in ready to go, and a few minutes later he's texting me telling me he is outside and ready for me.

i quickly grab my wallet, phone and hotel key. i run down the stairs and straight to the car, "to the florist on geo street please"

after i can the flowers for Vivian and her mother my driver takes me straight to her house "thank you" i say to him "your welcome your highness" i jump out of the car and knock on the door, i hear movement behind the door and then Vivian opens the door.

"hey baby" i say with a smile, "i would kiss you but i have lip stick on" she says with a frown "its ok, this are for you" i hand her one of the bouquet of flowers "milo these are beautiful" she smiles at me "are you going to let me in" i say with a laugh "oh yeah" she laughs and stands to the side to let me in.

"just to warn you my dad and brother are on alpha mode" she says "its alright i wouldn't expect any less" she takes a hold of my hand and interlocks our fingers.

she leads me to the dinning room where i can hear lots of chatter from, when we walk in the room goes silent, i see her brother and father staring me down and her mother walking towards me. "it is so nice to finally meet you" she say with a smile.

"its so nice to meet you to, these are for you" she gasps "why aren't you so lovely" I give her a smile and Vivian's father walks up to me, he looks me up and down and sticks out his hand to shake "it's nice to meet you mr James"

He gives me a firm handshake "just so you know you will be treated as my daughter boyfriend and not a future king until you have earn to be treated and differently" he says "I expected nothing different sir" he nods his head and her brother walks up to me.

He also gives me a handshake "you better treat her right, do you understand" he says sternly "trust me I would never want to treat her with disrespect"

"Come and sit down" Vivian's mother ushers me, I sit down and Vivian sit nexts to me, "I've done us a Sunday roast, have you got any allergies" she questions "not unless you have tuna or calpol in you food" she gives me a small laugh "we are all set then"

"Would you like some help" I question her "that would be lovely thank you" I stand up and follow her to the kitchen.

"Thank you milo, I don't want to say this in front of her but after the last sorry of excuse man she was with I thought she would never find anybody, but you have come in and made her so happy"

"She makes me happy to, I don't know anything about her ex but I can promise I won't be like him" she gives me a small smile and hands me to plates to take into the dinning room. Once we had brung in all the plates, we sit down and start eating.

After a few minutes of silence Vivian's dad speaks "so milo, how was growing up in France" he questions "pretty good, I didn't get to see much of it most of the time but the food is amazing if there" he nods his head "did you not get to see much because you a prince" he questions, I feel Vivian grab my hand under the table.

"Yeah,my dad didn't like me being a child really, my mother was different but it was just hard you always have to have guards with you so we tend not to go through the hassle" I say truthfully "ok, and say you and Vivian are the long run, what if you two have children, that's not a nice environment really"

"Marcus" Vivian's mother says, "your right, it's not but when I have children I plan to raise them in now way I was, not matter the hassle of going to a park or a play place" I respect her father of course but I What he said was true but I won't let him assume that will be for me and Vivian's children.

He nods his head, we finish up eating and make Are way to the front room, "are you ok" Vivian questions me "I'm good, don't worry" she gives me a small smile.

When everybody sits down my phone starts to ring, I decline it as we carry on talking but it ring three more times "sorry it say to them"

I quickly answer it "Qu'est-ce que tu veux" (what do you want) I say into the phone, Vivian's looks at me as she hasn't seen me speak french much "votre altesse, il y a des formulaires qui doivent être signés" (your highness there is some forms that need signing of on)

"il faudra attendre j'ai dit à personne de m'appeler sauf urgence totale" (it will have to wait i told nobody to ring me unless complete emergency) they go to speak but I just end the phone, "sorry about that"

For the rest of the night we are all just speaking, and I think just maybe Vivian's father has warmed up to me a tiny bit.

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