Chapter 18

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Vivian's pov

"You look hot" kelly says at the side of me, I'm wearing the dress I bought the other day with a criss cross front and some black heals.

'Will you text me which club it is' I get a text of milo asking me, I quickly send him the address "if milo doesn't fuck you tonight I will" kelly say, we both laugh "Come on we have got to get going"

Me and Kelly are getting are taxi together and milo and August, I'm excited to meet finally August seeing as he is milo best friend and I haven't meet him yet.

We jump into the taxi, Kelly pulls out a compact mirror and applies her lip gloss "is August single" she questions, she out anyway the mirror "I'm not sure but milo hasn't mentioned him having a girlfriend or boyfriend" she gives me a small smirk "if he's hot just know you and milo are going to be ok your own obviously if he wants to fuck"

I laugh "ok" she laughs, "what,if he's hot and looking for a bit of fun why not" I just laugh and shake my head, I hand the driver the money as we pull up to the club.

As we jump out I see milo and who I am guessing August stood in the line, I run up to him "hey" he smiles and pulls me into a kiss but I pull back "lipstick" he frowns but nods his head.

Kelly stand next to me "how are you kelly" milo questions "I'm good" he clears his throat "August this is my girlfriend Vivian and her friend kelly"

"Nice to finally meet you Vivian, he does not stop talking about you" he says and he pulls me into a hug "hey no need to out me like that" milo says to him, "and who is this beautiful woman" August says with a smirk.

Milo shakes his head "acting as if I didn't just tell him" he mutters, "you look fucking amazing" he says looking me up and down.

He pulls me closer and wraps his arms and my waist,well I say waist they are very close to my arse "are you coming to my hotel after" he questions "if you didn't offer milo I would of ripped your head of" he gives me a chuckle and kisses my cheek.

We move forward in the line, but as I do I catch a man stood over the road looking dodgy as fuck, I shake my head.

We all pass our ID to the bouncer, he nods his head and we make our way in, as soon as we do the smell of sweat and alcohol invade my nose, "come on let's get a drink" I grab his hand and interlock our fingers, I turn to look at kelly and see her and August talking, I tap her shoulder "I'm getting a drink" I say into her ear she gives me a smile and me and milo walk to the bar.

"Four vodka shots please" I say to the bartender, milo puts money into the bar and we take the shots, I down two straight away "straight to it then" he says with a chuckle and then downs all of his drinks.

I gasp when rain on me comes on "Come on let's dance" I pull him onto the dance floor, he we start dancing, well I say say dancing but I was just grinding on him whilst his hands were wrapped around my waist. We carry on like this dancing to songs like low,umbrella,crazy in love and lost in the fire.

I see kelly and walking up to me with August as born this way starts to play, we both gasp as this is our song!

"No matter gay,straight or bi,lesbian,transgender life I'm on the right track baby I was born to be brave" we both shout as we dance with each other, as the song comes to an end I see that man from outside standing in the corner sipping on a drink with a camera in his head.

"What the fuck" I say "what is it" milo says from behind me, I didn't think he would head that, "that man, he was stood outside as well and something isn't sitting right with me" I say to him, he gives me a worried expression "do you want me to go and tell him to back of" he questions "no,just keep an eye out" he nods his head and pulls me closer to him.

About 2 hours later I'm pissed out of my head and so is kelly, August is also drunk and I think milo is the only ok one.

He picks me up bridal style and takes me out to the taxi, whilst doing this he keeps and eye on August who is holding up kelly, we jump in "where does kelly live" milo questions me as she is fast asleep "far,I'll just get her a hotel" I say to him whilst cuddling up closer to him.

"Are you coming with me" milo questions, I give him a hum. I see him pull out his phone and start to text on in "what are you doing" I question "booking a hotel room for kelly" to be honest I'm way to drunk and horny to be arguing with him about me paying for it because I just know he is going to do it.

We pull up to a expensive looking hotel, milo climbs out and pulls me into his arms, August proceeds do the same with kelly as she is dead asleep, milo gets Kelly's room key from the front desk and we make our way up to the rooms.

I run my hands on his chest, he takes a quick glance but nothing more. He watches as August places kelly on her bed and writes a note so she won't be confused when she wakes up "I'll see you in the morning dude" August says groggily.

Milo places me on the bed, "here is one of the t-shirts" milo says whilst passing me a black shirt, I pull my dress over my head and milo turns his back to face me as I have no bra on.

I huff, "milo" I say extending the o "yes" he say I wrap my arms around his back and pull him to me "I want you" he turns around, "Vivian your drunk, get dressed" he says "not that drunk, I know I want you" I say "Vivian, I'm not having sex with you when your this drunk and I'm not, get dressed" he says sternly.

I huff again and put the shirt over my head, "I'll just go to the bathroom and do it myself" I say standing up, "ok, your not going to change my mind Vivian"

"I'm not try to change your mind,I'm just horny" he pulls his t-shirt from over his head and pulls his jeans off then jumps in bed.

"Are you coming to sleep or not" he questions "yeah" I get into bed and cuddle up to him.

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