Chapter 12

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Milos pov

I go and grab a special box that my mum gifted me the day I turned 18, I side is a special royal necklace that I was only to gift ones and only ones and to the woman or man I wanted to marry and stay with for the rest of my life, I'm planning on giving it to Vivian.

I quickly open it up and check it's still in there, the chain is gold and thin, then there is a pearl in the centre, this peal has been passed down from generations to generations so it's very special.

I place it in my jacket pocket and check them time, I have time to go and grab some bit for us.

I plan to take her to my house that is away from everything and just make it a bit special for her, I quickly rush of to my favourite bakery and grab some things for us then I go over to Vivian's apartment. I knock on the door and Vivian opens it straight away in just some very very short shorts and a thin white tight boob top that has thin straps.

I clear my throat, "Your early" she smiles, "Yeah like you wouldn't be prepared" I say to her, she steps aside for me and I walk in "pack a bag" I tell her, she looks at me confused "why" I place my hand on her hip and pull her closer to me.

"I have a house that's away from everything and I want to take you" she smiles "make sure you bring your hair products, I want you to try and teach me" I say to her as she starts to walk to her room, "you would actually be Interested in that" she questions me.

"Yes, I want to be able to do it for you, and when we have children we have a 50/50 chance of having a girl and I don't want to be useless or just put all that responsibility of her hair on you I want to do it to" she smiles at me.

"Wow, you really are something", "you deserve to be treated with the ut most respect and if I don't even try and learn parts of your culture, or things that come with being a black woman, then that is not me respecting you is it" I tell her "I guess you right" she gives me a soft smile and kisses me.

As the kiss gets deeper I pull apart "later,go pack" she goes to walk away, but I grab her arse and pull her back, "one more" I kiss her again and she goes of into her room.

"And put something on" I know if I see her like that again I won't be able to resist her.

A few minutes she walks back out in one of my hoodies and a longer pair of shorts, "that's where that went" nodding my head to my now her hoodie. "It's comfortable"

"Got everything" I questions, she smiles and nods her head,I grab the bag of her and we walk down to my car. "Have you go any cds" she questions me as I start to drive, "no there at this house"

She sighs "right ok" she starts going through the radio options, and stops at Taylor swift "I fucking love her" Vivian say "that you never loved me or her or anyone or anything Yeah" she starts belting, "flew me to places I never been".

She slumps in her chair as it finishes, "do you like Taylor swift" she questions with a serious face, "Yeah I do, I think she very talented and I like how she now changed her music so it's fitting to what she like, got to say my favourite line is 'fuck the patriarchy'"

She starts laughing, "it's definitely up there" we start up a conversation but she gasps "lady gaga" Turing up the music.

She starts to sing along, I love just watching her, it sounds creep but I do it just fascinates me who into things she gets. "No matter gay,straight or bi,lesbian,transgender life I'm on the right track baby I was born to survive" she screams with her head out of the window.

Slowly after we pull up to the house, "this is beautiful" Vivian says staring at the big garden in the back.

"Come on" I get out of the car and link our fingers together "ok mister what's your plan" she questions me whilst pulling me to the kitchen chair, I place my hands on her waist and pull her close. "Well you can clearly see the stars from the garden so I was going to cook us a meal, we are going to eat it out there and probably end up having sex"

She looks at me shocked and starts to burst out laughing, "Wow the dynamic changed fast in that sentence"

"Have u not been trying to seduce me all day" I question her "baby, I don't need to seduce you, you like me no matter what, but it's fun to mess around with you" she laughs. "Hm I'm sure it"

"Come on, take these outside whilst I make us some food" she smiles and kisses my cheek then takes the pastries and blanket outside.

I start to make us some pasta, Vivian walks back in and wraps her arms and my torso, "you know a lot of woman and men fancy you" she says randomly, "I googled you and just saw a load of people drooling over my man" I feel her freeze behind me, I'm guessing it's because she called me 'her man' when we aren't dating, I don't mind though.

"So you was googling me"I say laughing, she grabs bowls and I put the pasta in it "well yeah" I grab two forks "come on" I motion with my head to the back door, I pick up the bowls of pasta and take it to the blanket.

"This is nice" she says, I hum in agreement, I slyly touch my pocket to make sure the box is still in there.

Once we finish up the pasta I pull her to me, "I've got something for you" I whisper in her ear, she cuddles up closer to me, "like what" I pull the box out of my pocket and open it, she gasps "wow that is beautiful"

"It has been passed down from generations, I'm only supposed to gift it to two people, my future wife and my first born on their 18th birthday" she clears her throat "and I want to marry you one day"

She sits up "that's a very big with, we are not even dating milo" she says seriously, "about that" I clear my throat "would you like to be my girlfriend" she smiles "yes" she pulls my neck and kisses me deeply, I pull her into my lap.

"Let me put this on you" , she lifts her hair up and I put it around her, "beautiful"

Authors note

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