Chapter 26

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Vivian's pov

"I can't believe this milo" I say as I'm lay on a bed with medical equipment around me, "what" he says with a confused expression "you have made this poor woman drag all of this equipment here for a 5 minute scan when we could of gone to her" he rolls his eyes "Vivian, I don't think she minds with the pay check that come with it."

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes, I was about to talk back to him but she walks in the room "hello" she says with a smile "hi" we both say "I'm Gail" she smiles "I'm vivian and this is milo" she nods her head and takes a seat next to the bed opposite milo.

"Will this be your first scan" she questions "yeah" she nods her head and writes something down "and could you please tell me how for along you think you are" she questions "I'm thinking about 6 weeks maybe under" she finishes writing things down and puts on gloves.

"Can you lift your t-shirt up please" I pull it up and put my hand back into milos "this is going to be cold" she says as she places the gel on my tummy, she picks up the wand that connects to the machine that will show the baby. She puts it on my stomach and starts moving it around.

"Ok and there is baby" she says with a smile, as I look to the screen I see a small blob, I feel milo bring my hand to his lips as he places a kiss on the back of my hand "Wow" we both say, I look over to milo and his eyes are tearing up, he leans down and places a kiss on my stomach where the gel isn't.

"Would you like pictures" she asks "yeah Erm, can we have four please" she nods her head and passes me some tissues.

"I love you so much" he says placing a kiss on my forehead "I love you" I reply back. "And here are your pictures" she hands me the pictures of the baby "thank you so much" I say with a smile "I'll walk you out" milo says getting up from his chair, he places a kiss on my forehead and walks out of the door with Gail.

Whilst he's gone I take a few minutes to reflect , I stare down at the picture in my hand and really let that sink in that that will become a baby and will be mine until the day I die. Whilst focusing on the picture I hear the door open.

"It's exciting" milo says taking a seat next to me "I know" he pulls me closer "it's crazy how much our life is going to change" I say in disbelief "it's going to be a journey but I'll be here for every second of it" when milo says that I know he is telling the truth and nothing but it.

"My mother is divorcing my father" milo casually says, I shoot up "Oh my, really, is she ok" I question "she fine, will be even better after leaving him, she's moving out in the next month and so is my father" I nod my head "how did your dad take it" I ask him out of curiosity "he was a dick like usual"

Milo pulls out his laptop and goes onto google "what do you think about this" he questions, I look at all of his tab, all of them being questions about baby's or products for them, I take my attention to the room he has found "I like the neutral part to it" I nod my head in agreement.

The room is a neutral colour, with animal pictures on the wall, overall it looks very comfortable and calming.

"Are we going to find out the gender or wait" I question "I want to find out but I think a surprise would be nice" milo tells me "I like the idea of a surprise, keeping us on our toes" I say with a little laughter "yeah, ok" he says then pulls me into a kiss.

A knock on the door pulls us apart, milos mother slowly walks in "oh hi, I didn't know you was here Vivian, I'll leave" she says in a quit voice "no no, come in" she slowly closes the door behind her and walk in "would you like for me to leave" I question "no,I was just coming to spend some time with any body but that dick head" when saying that I guess she referring to milos father.

Milo pats at the side of him, she walks over and sits next to him, immediately he pulls her into his side and she breaks down crying "oh mum" he rubs his hand up and down her back "I don't even know why I'm crying, I don't love him nor have I for a long time"

"Just because you don't love him doesn't mean you won't miss somebody being there, I think maybe that's why your upset, but you will find somebody don't you worry" I says with a reassuring smile, she gives me one back and milo gives me a forehead kiss.

"I'll be fine,just glad I don't have to see him every day, I'm just worried about the public"

"Mum don't worry about the public, this is about you and you only"

Authors note

Hi, I know my platform isn't massive but it is something, and something I want to speak about is what is going on with the control over woman's bodies at the moment.

As an author I try not to share my political views on this page so everybody feels comfortable to read, but I have to speak upon this. I'm lucky enough to not live in the places that have theses laws or are trying to enforce them.

No matter what your opinion is on wether abortion is right or not, nobody has any right to be able to force that opinion onto other and what is going on at the moment is doing just that. If YOU do not want an abortion that is fine but it is not ok for that choice to be taken away from other, this is not stopping abortion this is stopping safe abortion. No uterus no opinion!

Keep your laws of of my body!

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