Chapter 29

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Milos pov

I fucking hate this, I'm currently looking for ring for Vivian. I knew since the first day I met her I wanted to propose, marry and have a family, but it's all becoming so real and I don't want to mess this up, so I've spent ages looking for the right ring, and maybe just maybe I might have found the right one.

"Can I see this one" I ask the woman stood behind the counter, I've had the shop shit down and everything blacked out so nobody can see what I'm doing, she places the ring in front of my so I can take a closer look.

The ring is a sliver band, in the middle is a big but not extremely massive as I know Vivian would find that of putting, at on the side of the big diamond it has two on each sides which is smaller and one more behind those two, it's beautiful and I know Vivian will love it.

"I want this one" the woman gives me a smile and nods her head, "and what size ring sir" I tell her the size I need and she grabs the box, "this ring is 14 million,are best and most beautiful in the shop" I nod my head and pull out my black card.

She places the card machine in front of me and diverts her eyes to somewhere else, once the purchase goes through I pull my card out and put it in my pocket.

The woman places the ring in a plain black bag "thank you for shopping with us sir" , "thanks for your help" I walk of from her and to the doors "is there anybody there" I question the guards "no sir all clear" he opens the door and I quickly slip into the car.

I pull my phone out and call Vivian.

"Hey baby"
"Hi,are you ok" , I'm still getting used to her asking that as a greeting and not as a genuine concern because for some reason that is a greeting in England.

"I'm good my love, where are you", I want to be able to get the big in without her seeing
"I'm just out with rose" Vivian tells me
"Ok,are you having fun" I question "yeah, we are just at a cafe, I'm annoyed I have to bring a guard with me"

I chuckle "I know you are love, but they are there for your protection, I hear her huff "right, I'll leave you be then, let me know if you need anything, love you" , "I love you to"

She ends the phone, and just in time as we pull up to the royal gates, we are quickly let in and I'm escorted inside. "Nobody is to bother me for a while" I say to the guard he nods his head and I go to my office.

Now this is the bit that is shitting me up, asking for her dads permission, and I know I'm not supposed to buy the ring first but in reality I will ask her to marry me even if her dad says no, It will hurt but that's not going to stop from marrying the love of my life.

I also think that it's quit old fashion and a bit sexist to ask her dad permission, she not property, but I don't feel like explaining that to her dad.

I whip out my phone and call her dad on loud speaker.

"Hello" I hear him say
"Mr James,it's milo" I hear him chuckle
"I do know it's you milo, it says your name when you call" I let out a small chuckle
"I wanted to ask you something" he hums
"Also milo please call me Marcus, your going to be the dad to my first grandchild, but carry on"
"Ok,I wish I could do this in person, but call is the best we can get, I was wondering if I can have your permission to marry Vivian"

For a few seconds it's silence, doesn't help when I'm already shitting my pants!

"You make her very happy milo, and your having a child with her so yes I give you my permission, but a child or not, she's still mine and there will be trouble if you hurt her, I mean it milo"

"Thank you very much Marcus, and I don't intend to hurt her, so no worries" , "good, well you have a good day milo" , "you to Marcus"

I end the phone and lean back into my chair, I'm glad he said yes, it would of been a pain if he didn't. I hear a knock on my door but I decide to ignore it, but it carries on. Do they not understand when I say no interruptions, I swing the door open and see Vivian stood infringe if the door.

My expression immediately change from a pissed one to a happy one "hey baby" I kiss her and interlock our hand, I pull her into my office and lock it back up "you ok, they said you didn't want any interruptions" I sit back down in my office chair and pull Vivian onto my lap.

"I'm good now your here" she kisses me, "look what I got" she pulls out a small pair of knitted socks and a baby grow from a bag I didn't see her bring in.

"Wow" I say with a smile "Wow indeed, aren't they tiny" I nod my head and place my hand on her stomach, "that is crazy" she laughs and repositions her self into a straddle.

"You look very sexy in your office chair" she says unbuttoning my shirt, I laugh "you look very sexy everyday"

She smiles "wanna show me how much you think that?"

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