Chapter 27

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Milos pov

"Are you sure your ok" I question Vivian for the millionth time "milo,stop" I roll my eyes and place my arm around her waist.

We are at an charity event and it's our first since I found out she's pregnant, and I just can't stop worrying about her, I know she's ok as she right next to me, but I want to be the best dad i can be And partner for Vivian, nothing like what my dad is like.

I kiss her cheek, I turn my head to check on my mum who is speaking with a man "excuse me" I whip my head back around to see a small child stood at mine and Vivian's feet, Vivian kneels down and I follow "Are you ok" she question "I can't find my daddy" the little boy say, "oh ok, well we will get somebody to find him ok" I give him a small smile and he smiles back.

I immediately send for one of my guards to have a look for this boys dad, we make our way over to a table and sit down, the boy sits in Vivian's lap and I sit in front of her "your very pretty" he says to Vivian as he plays with her hair, she chuckles "thank you, your very handsome"

The little boy blushes and turns his face away from her "Are you her boyfriend" he questions me "yeah I am, I'm lucky aren't I" the boy nods fast in agreement "very" I think this boy has a crush on Vivian, if I'm not mistaken.

"My daddy said you are a prince and princess and your going to be king and queen" he says with a star struck look in his eye "Yep, pretty exciting isn't it" I say, answering him.

"You scared me" a man says as he grabs the boy of Vivian's lap and hugs him tight "thank you so much" he says to us "and I'm sorry for the bother" he adds on "no,no bother at all" Vivian tells him and I nod in agreement, he nods his head "thank you again" they walk of and I turn towards Vivian.

"Your going to be such a good mum" her face lights up at this "thank you, your going to an amazing father" I give her a smile and wrap my arm around her waist.

"Will you be ok to stay with my mum or mingle around, I have to do an interview" I ask even though I'm still cautious of leaving her "yes that's fine" she kisses my cheek and walks of "prince milo" the man who is interviewing me say "hi" I say with a small smile "please have a seat, I'm just going to be asking you some questions and then you can be on your way" I nod my head and he pulls out some flash cards.

'3...2...1' I hear somebody say in the background "I'm joined her today with prince milo our future king" I smile and nod at the camera.

"So prince milo, you have a lot in your life going on, we have seen you have found our future queen, who I may add isn't french, and your going to be king very soon, so how is all this prince" he questions me, alright mate one fucking question at a time.

"Yes Vivian, I'm very with her and she is an amazing woman and I will be taking over as king soon which I'm excited for but also nervous is a big responsibility but at the end of the day it was what I was born for and I've worked hard to make sure I will be fit for the role"

He nods his head "will miss Vivian be the one to give us the next king or queen" he questions "Well Vivian is the love of my life so yes, we will be having children" I internally smile knowing that she is already carry our child.

"Do you want a small family or a big one" he continues to question "a large on" he nods his head "and what do you feel about the break of tradition, you taking over as king before your parents pass away" what a lovely questions he is coming up with, I refrain from rolling my eyes "it's what is best which is what everybody in the royal family wants for France"

"Ok and last question, will you and miss Vivian be married before you become king"

"Potential" he nods his head and turned to the camera "and that is all for now, thank you for tuning in we will see you next week" the camera turns of and he turns back to me and holds out his hand "thank you for allowing us to interview you" , "your welcome" I give him a smile and get up from my seat and go to find Vivian.

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