chapter 10

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vivians pov

i hear a scream behind me, i turn around and see Kelly stood with her suitcase, she runs up to me and hugs me " i have missed you so much" she says "i missed you to"

"come on, lets get you back to mine" i say to her excited to have a big catch up, she squeals and grabs my hand then drags me to a taxi. i don't get license and car until tomorrow but when i get it I'm going to be so happy its going to make everything so much easier.

after a 20 minute and very pricey taxi ride we finally arrive at my apartment, "thank you" i say to the woman who drove us.

"so, fill me in on everything" Kelly says before I've even closed the door "hold on" i say with a laugh. i close the door and take her suitcase of her.

"bloody hell kelly your only here for 5 days what have you packed" i question as her suitcase weighs a ton. "well you never know what you will need, or who you will see" she winks at me, which means she just wants to get laid.

we sit down on the couch "ok right, well you know my job at the coffee shop" i say to her, she nods her head "well the owners are lovely like another set of parents, they gave me two days of just so i could spend some time with you, which they didn't have to"

"what about prince lover boy" she says with a smirk in her face "what about him" I say "how are you to getting on"

"Good I think," she rolls her eyes "come on the juicy details" she says moving closer to me "we've been really good, he constantly around me and checking I'm good, a very consensual man I must say"

She squeals "I've got to meet him v" she says "I told him he could meet you, so when he's free I'll ask him"

"Oh and your dad told me to see what he's like and report back, he just wants to know until he can meet him himself" , "I'm not even dating him Kelly, we might not even get that far"

"Vivian honey, do you really think he would give you the time of the day if it wasn't going to be to death does us about" I roll my eyes, "Yeah know I'm right" she adds on.

"Speak of the devil" , my phone pings ' hey, can I come over' he texts, "hm What's lover boy saying" kelly says in a teasing way "asking if he can come over"

"Yes,please" , I nod my head to her and text milo back just letting him know she's here but he can come. "Have you been staying at my house" I question her "yeah,my dads being a bitch and my mums lost the plot again, and you know your mum she just loves me so much" I laugh at her "sometimes more than she loves me".

Since I've known Kelly she's stayed at my house for months at a time, but everybody loves her, my dad sees her as another daughter, my mum loves cooking for another person and my brother enjoys teasing her.

We carry on chatting for a couple of minutes until there is a knock on the door, "one minute" I say to her, I walk over to the door and open it, and there stands milo "hey v" he says and he kisses my lips "your in a good mode"  I stand as side and let him in.

"When am I not" he questions, I see kelly getting up from the couch and walking over to us "hello" she says, he turns around to face her, "hi I'm milo" he sticks his hand out for her to shake.

I try to hold my laughter in, kelly gives me a look as if to say 'who is this posh mother fucker', Kelly's not a very formal person.

Never the less she shakes his hand "kelly" she says, "why don't we go and sit down" I suggest to the both of them, milo places a hand on my back and guides me to the couch as kelly follows along.

"So milo tell me about you, except from the fact your a prince" kelly crosses her arms and gives him a stern look, "there's not much to say really, I'm 24 I enjoy cooking and being around Vivian that's kind of all"

"And Vivian isn't going to get any shit of you family for not being an upper class prick" milo shakes his head, "she shouldn't no, but if they start I will defend her and my mother would bite their head of"

She nods her head as she takes in the information "ok" she smiles "expect worse from her father, and brother, I was instructed to scoop you out for them"

Milo nods at her, then glances to me "Well,I know Vivian's family is important so I don't mind taking some stick if it means they will warm up to me in the future"

"Oh that reminds me, your dad said he will ring you about this but, he wants you to come back next month for a week or more, he's finally taking some time of and wants you there" , I was about to talk before she decided to add on "also lover boy is invited if your still together"

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