Fourty Four

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"Wow I didn't think you'd be able to achieve my task, but you did it."

I roll my eyes as Liam talks to me through my ear piece. I've cried all I can by the time I reach the main gates to Shadow. They're already open and by the way the guard only gives me a bid before letting me exit tells me that Harry must've noted him to let me free. My heart aches even more at the thought and a tear escaped my eye again. I don't wipe it away and instead cross my arms over my chest and prepare myself for the harsh wind outside and long walk ahead of me.

"Where are you?" I speak out loud and hope Liam answers me quick.

"At the end of the road. Just keep walking. Were waiting for you."

"Well, did you get Esmay? You told me that we can go free," I say aloud, but there is no sound but my feet rubbing against the dirt path.

"Liam?" I raise my voice, thinking maybe I had spoken to quietly before. Still no answer.

"Hello, Liam?"

"Yes?" He says and I let out a breath. For a moment I was afraid that our connection had broken or he was ignoring me on purpose.

"I said are you going to let Esmay and I go free now?"

I hear Liam whispering something to someone else and I stop walking to try and hear better. The voices are too muffled, even when I push the piece closer to my ear drum.

"We'll talk when you get to the van."

I begin walking again, this time quicker than before. Not only are my feet aching, but I'm tired of all this drama and I just want to see Esmay.

"What do you mean? What is there to talk about?" I'm becoming annoyed and a little paranoid. I really hope Liam wasn't lying to me.

"I see you. Hurry up." I notice the same can just up ahead once.

"Run," Liam hisses and I do as he says. After a few moments of picking my feet up, I reach the van and Liam steps out of it, but closes the door behind him. I stop my movements and grow confused as to what he is doing.

"Here. Put this on," Liam says before throwing me a white gown. It's material is soft and silky slipping through my fingers and onto the the dirt path.

I bend down and pick up the thin material before holding it out to look at what he has just instructed me to put on. Its straps are a centimeter, and it's short. Extremely short. It reminds me of my mothers night gown that I use to sneak and try on when I was little. It ran down to my knees at that age, but now I think it won't be dragging down there.

"Why?" I ask.

"No questions just do it or you won't see Esmay."

"Hey, we had a deal!" I begin to shout, but he holds up a finger.

"Wouldn't want to make me upset now would you? Just put the damn thing on."

I'm about the yell at him again, but I know I must do what he says otherwise something bad might happen. I begin to strip down in my clothes, disgusted that Liam is watching me with a smirk planted on his face. I throw my shirt at his face and he stumbles back alittle before I quickly slide the gown over my body. It's short and clung to my body tightly just like I expected and my breasts spill out the v-neckline.

I cross my arms and glare at Liam waiting for next instructions.

"Let's go." The door opens and I step inside after Liam. My heart hurts when I don't see Esmay in the back like I was half expecting to. Only Liam and I sit down in the back as we begin to roll in silence. I keep my head down waiting for what's to come next. I have no idea why I'm wearing this dumb outfit or why I'm still with Liam and not running away with Esmay right now.

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